GMVRU Press Release of the Evaluation of Hospital Navigators Programme
This project leverages features associated with the geomasking algorithm to estimate the effect of public crime statistics on house prices.
16 October 2024
Prison philanthropist Lady Edwina Grosvenor visits University to mark 200th year anniversary
This project leverages features associated with the geomasking algorithm to estimate the effect of public crime statistics on house prices.
19 July 2024
Funded MSc Traineeship
The Education Endowment Foundation is advertising a funded MSc Traineeship to study Evaluation & Policy Analysis at Manchester Metropolitan University or Social Research Methods at University College London
20 February 2024
Obituary: Professor Susan Baines
Professor Susan Baines died on the 10th November 2023 at the age of 67
28 November 2023
New research shows one in three children who’ve been in care enter youth justice system
Children who’ve been in care are disproportionately likely to have youth justice involvement
27 September 2023
Interested in child wellbeing and want to work on cutting-edge research?
The Policy Evaluation Research Unit at Manchester Metropolitan University is recruiting a Research Associate to work on the first pan-European cohort study measuring child and youth wellbeing across Europe
8 September 2023
Institute for Employability Professionals Summit 2023
Ashwin Kumar is giving a keynote address at the Institute of Employment Professionals annual Summit 2023 on 15 June 2023. He will be speaking about the need for good jobs, not just any job.
10 June 2023
PERU are recruiting a new Research Associate (Social Investment and Homelessness Evaluation – 6310)
PERU are looking for a Research Associate to work on a UK evaluation of a social investment programme addressing housing and homelessness. The evaluation is a large, multi-method project involving several research partners.
22 May 2023
PERU’s Professor Ashwin Kumar gives evidence to the Work and Pensions Select Committee
PERU’s Professor Ashwin Kumar has been cited by The Guardian regarding the distributional effect of the government’s recent ‘fiscal event’
8 March 2023
PERU are recruiting a new Research Associate (Survey Infrastructure Development)
The main purpose of this role is to undertake research on the Horizon 2020 project GUIDEPREP which is a Research Infrastructure Preparatory Phase grant supporting Growing Up In Digital Europe (GUIDE), the first pan European cohort study measuring child and youth wellbeing across Europe.
10 December 2022
PERU are recruiting a new Research Associate (Child Wellbeing)
The main purpose of this role is to undertake research on the Horizon 2020 project COORDINATE which is a Starting Community on using survey research data to enhance child wellbeing policy making across Europe.
10 December 2022
‘We can talk about domestic abuse’ Pilot Evaluation Report published
The Pilot Evaluation Report, authored by Dr Jessica Ozan, Sandor Gellen, Prof Chris Fox, Prof Stephen Morris and Rebecca Cargill, has now been published on the What Works for Children's Social Care (WWCSC) website.
3 November 2022
Idleness: book by PERU’s Ashwin Kumar and Katy Jones published today
Idleness: book launch with authors Katy Jones and Ashwin Kumar
20 October 2022
EESC publishes opinion on the importance of co-creation that draws from PERU’s work on the COSIE project
EESC: Co-creation of services of general interest as a contribution to a more participative democracy in the EU.
6 October 2022
PERU’s Professor Ashwin Kumar cited in debate surrounding government ‘fiscal event’
PERU’s Professor Ashwin Kumar has been cited by The Guardian regarding the distributional effect of the government’s recent ‘fiscal event’
24 September 2022
New book, ‘Public Service Motivation? Rethinking What Motivates Public Actors’ by Chris O’Leary published
In this new book, Chris O’Leary looks afresh at the reasons for prosocial work choices in the first substantive critique of Public Service Motivation (PSM).
30 June 2022
Trauma and Community Justice
A new issue of the British Journal is now available. The theme which presents itself across the papers in this open issue is that of trauma – of individuals and of communities – where the social and psychological concerns of individuals intersect with the criminal justice system and wider structural problems within society.
3 May 2022
Job Opportunity – PERU is recruiting a Research Associate
The PERU team is growing and has a Research Associate job opportunity to join our established project team.
8 February 2022
Hate Crime Reporting – Insights from the UK
Discussion of lessons learned from the development of third party hate crime reporting centres (TPRCs) in the UK.
1 November 2021
Evaluation of the impact of alcohol minimum unit pricing (MUP) on crime and disorder, public safety and public nuisance
An Evaluation of the Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) of alcohol in Scotland finds that the introduction of minimum unit pricing of alcohol had a minimal impact on drink-related crime.
12 October 2021
Job Opportunity – PERU is recruiting a Research Associate
The PERU team is growing and has a Research Associate job opportunity to join our established project team.
7 October 2021
Philosophy behind bars: Growth and development in prison
A ground-breaking study about how teaching philosophy in prisons helped long-term prisoners build positive relationships, trust and explore what it means to live a good life
7 July 2021
Project co-led by PERU is one of 11 new European Research Infrastructures
Growing Up In Digital Europe (GUIDE), which is co-led by PERU has been included in the latest revision of the ESFRI (European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures) 2021 Roadmap
1 July 2021
Trust in probation practice
The British Journal of Community Justice has published a new blog by Denis Sidebottom on trust and relational probation practice.
21 June 2021
CRIME and JUSTICE Film Festival Events now available to stream
Recordings of events from this year's Manchester CRIME and Justice Film Festival are now available to stream.
21 June 2021
Imagining gig work futures through roleplay
Using a deck of virtual cards to think about the future of work
28 May 2021
Early Life Cohort Feasibility Study (ELC-FS)
PERU part of a consortium to develop and test the design, methodology and viability of an Early Life Cohort Study that is likely to follow participants for more than 70 years.
13 May 2021
Call for papers: Race and Criminal/Community Justice – 40 Years since Scarman
British Journal of Community Justice calls for papers for special issue
10 May 2021
Researchers to develop first ever Europe-wide survey to track children’s wellbeing as they grow up
The Policy Evaluation and Research Unit (PERU) at Manchester Metropolitan University leads international project that will generate exciting new data to help policy makers improve child and youth well-being
14 April 2021
Needs assessment: risk, desistance and engagement
PERU's Kevin Wong co-authors a new Academic Insights paper for Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Probation
26 March 2021
High probation caseloads jeopardise the quality of delivery and practitioner’s wellbeing
PERU contributes to a report showing that the quality of probation delivery falls when practitioners are responsible for managing more than 50 cases.
19 March 2021
Needs assessment and effective engagement
PERU researcher argues that needs assessment and sentence planning should transcend their core justice functions and set the tone for effective engagement between people supervised by probation and their supervisors
19 March 2021
Celebrating International Restorative Justice Week
The British Journal of Community Justice hosted and managed by PERU is marking International Restorative Justice Week by publishing two new papers.
19 November 2020
Centre for Homelessness Impact systematic review – Call for Evidence
The Centre for Homelessness Impact has appointed the Policy Evaluation and Research Unit at Manchester to undertake a systematic review of the effectiveness of harm reduction versus abstinence-based substance use interventions for people experiencing homelessness.
19 November 2020
The Dark Side of Masculinity: Implications for Human Health
PERU's Anton Roberts, a Graduate Research Assistant who is undertaking a PhD at PERU presented a paper at the North East Post Graduate (NEPG) 2020 conference.
16 November 2020
Thinking about the future differently – new report in partnership with the RSA
Today A stitch in time? Realising the value of futures and foresight is published by the RSA.
26 October 2020
NEW: Blaming Britain’s Muslim Communities; COVID-19 in prisons; Antisocial shifts in social policy and serious youth violence; book reviews
The British Journal of Community Justice (hosted and managed by PERU) has published new content today.
16 October 2020
Conference call: migrant children’s integration in European communities
PERU is a member of the MiCREATE project. The MiCREATE consortium is holding a confererence in Krakow, Poland from the 4-5 December 2020 and welcomes papers, which elaborate and explore both theoretical and practical problems of migrant children’s integration in European communities.
5 October 2020
PERU’s Kevin Wong is new Chair of the Criminal Justice Alliance
After an open recruitment and selection process PERU’s Kevin Wong (Reader in Community Justice and Associate Director Criminal Justice) has been appointed as the new Chair of the Criminal Justice Alliance (CJA).
28 September 2020
Young People and Mental health: How do young people want mental health support to be delivered?
Kim Heyes, ManMet colleagues and Youth Mental Health Matters recently conducted some consultation groups with young people, professionals, and parents about what they think mental health services should look like for young people.
15 September 2020
Do Social Impact Bonds help spur innovation?
Professor Gary Painter, Director at the Sol Price Center for Social Innovation at the University of Southern California, and a Visiting Professor at PERU, presented new findings from collaborative research with staff at PERU on Social Impact Bonds at Oxford University.
7 September 2020
Reforming the State After Covid: PERU’s Chris O’Leary speaking at Adam Smith Institute webinar
Chris O'Leary joins The Rt Hon David Davis MP, Douglas Carswell who is a former MP and the co-director of the Good Governance Project and Matthew Lesh who is the Head of Research at the Adam Smith Institute for a panel discussing reforming the State after Covid.
7 July 2020
Art scheme can help prisoners to develop and feel positive about their futures
Sally Taylor, Chief Executive of Koestler Arts is “delighted” with the PERU research into the impact of the Koestler Arts Awards on prisoners and prisons.
25 June 2020
COVID-19 Reflections
New blogs reflecting on COVID-19 have been published today by the British Journal of Community Justice, hosted and managed by PERU
25 June 2020
Modelling the Economic Impact of a Citizen’s Basic Income in Scotland
The draft report of a project to model the economic impact of a citizen’s basic income in Scotland has been published today.
11 June 2020
Hate Crime and racist prejudice in the criminal justice system.
The British Journal of Community Justice (BJCJ) hosted and managed by PERU, has published the first of a two-part special issue on Hate Crime and racist prejudice in the criminal justice system.
9 June 2020
Preventing PPE shortages
PERU’s Kevin Wong and Barbara Shepherd from the Manchester Fashion Institute have set out policy recommendations for preventing shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE).
8 June 2020
New Issue – The MacPherson Report: Current Relections
The new free issue of the British Journal of Community Justice has been published today.
4 June 2020
Covid-19 in prisons in England and Wales
Responding to the Covid-19 pandemic, the British Journal of Community Justice has published it first commentary on institutional responses to the crisis.
21 May 2020
Reflections from the classroom. MiCreate team blogs its research
Already in its second year, MiCreate, a project providing a child-centred approach to exploring and surmounting integration challenges, has gathered valuable insights from schools across Manchester.
19 May 2020
Futures thinking and strategic foresight
In collaboration with the Royal Society of Arts and MetroPolis we will be working with policy-makers, RSA Fellows and others to answer an important and timely question: what benefits do foresight methods offer to support policy-makers and practitioners, and to stimulate public dialogue on key issues?
18 May 2020
Why Evaluate? Lunchtime Conference Programme: Widening Participation, Evaluation and COVID 19
PERU's Chris Fox is speaking at Villiers Park Educational Trust's virtual ‘lunchtime’ conference programme on evaluation in the Higher Education widening participation agenda.
7 May 2020
Top authors
PERU’s Kevin Wong and Rachel Kinsella along with their co-author Linda Meadows have been awarded a certificate of achievement by the Howard Journal of Crime and Justice.
1 May 2020
Policing and consent: how can the police enforce social distancing and maintain public trust?
Discussion of lessons learned from the development of third party hate crime reporting centres (TPRCs) in the UK.
1 April 2020
Professor Sue Baines’ blog post: Doing Co-creation – a Challenge of Social Investment
Blog post 'Doing Co-creation – a Challenge of Social Investment'
15 March 2020
‘People get killed cause of there [their] skin. It cannot be stopped’ …
Sarah Page examines the United Kingdom pupil experience of racism and race-hate-related extremism through research
6 March 2020
International webinar with Indonesia
his morning PERU is hosting the second international Webinar with from the Centre for Digital Society (CFDS) at the University of Gadjah Mada.
21 February 2020
The Manchester CRIME and JUSTICE Film Festival 2020
This year’s festival, orgainsed by Kevin Wong and Gavin Bailey of PERU and Lucy Simpson from RAH! starts on the 18th March with a screening of i Believe in You introduced by Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Probation, Justin Russell.
19 February 2020
Sharing our research with Indonesia
PERU staff are reaching out to our colleagues in Indonesia. Last week PERU’s Stephen Morris presented by live webinar to students and staff at the University of Indonesia.
10 February 2020
Crime and Justice Networking and Learning Fair
The Policy Evaluation and Research Unit and Criminal Justice Alliance are holding a Crime and Justice Networking and Learning Fair on Wednesday 18th March at Manchester Metropolitan University.
10 February 2020
More than a tick-box? the role of training in improving police responses to hate crime
Stevie-Jade Hardy, Neil Chakraborti and Ilda Cuko identify how police training can be improved to address the under-reporting and inconsistent recording of hate crime
7 February 2020
HM Probation Inspectorate publish paper on innovation in probation
HM Inspectorate of Probation today publishes a report by Professors Chris Fox and Kevin Albertson, exploring the concept of innovation and its application to the delivery of probation services.
10 January 2020
Launch event of EuroCohort: Growing Up in Europe
the case for the new Growing Up in Europe Survey as developed by The European Cohort Development Project (ECDP)
29 November 2019
Roundtable on EuroCohort at Department for Education
Today members of PERU are leading a roundtable session at the Department for Education updating on the latest developments in the EuroCohort project.
25 November 2019
Training on counterfactual impact evaluation at the European institute for Public Administration
Stephen Morris is part of a team delivering a course on Capacity Building in Impact Evaluation: Counterfactual and Theory-Based Approaches at the European institute for Public Administration in Barcelona.
21 November 2019
New free issue of the British Journal of Community Justice
The new free issue of the British Journal of Community Justice has been published today.
21 November 2019
Putting the community back into payback
Dave Nicholson who is a PhD student with PERU has written a chapter on the potential for co-operatives to re-shape community payback in a book published yesterday.
13 November 2019
PERU hosts successful Prisoner Learning Academic Network seminar
Last week PERU were pleased to host the second in a series of seminars for the Prisoner Learning Academic Network.
12 November 2019
Academy for Social Justice event on 28th November postponed to January 15th
Unfortunately the Academy for Social Justice has had to defer the date of their seminar entitled “Prevention is better than court” which will now not take place on 28 November.
6 November 2019
If reoffending is not the only outcome what are the alternatives?
In a new paper published by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Probation, PERU’s Kevin Wong argues that probation provision is complex, delivered by a wide range of providers dealing with diverse service users and performing differing functions.
6 November 2019
Needs assessment for people with convictions: Integrating risk needs and responsivity with desistance principles
Rachel Horan PERU Associate Researcher and Director of the Averment Group along with PERU’s Kevin Wong and Kirstine Szifris set out the case for operationalising risk needs and responsivity (RNR) and desistance principles in their newly published paper on the Enablers of Change needs assessment tool.
5 November 2019
Needs assessment for people with convictions: Integrating risk needs and responsivity with desistance principles
Rachel Horan PERU Associate Researcher and Director of the Averment Group along with PERU’s Kevin Wong and Kirstine Szifris set out the case for operationalising risk needs and responsivity (RNR) and desistance principles in their newly published paper on the Enablers of Change needs assessment tool.
5 November 2019
Adopting Market Stewardship in criminal justice
PERU’s Kevin Wong will make the case for adopting market stewardship principles in contracting with voluntary sector agencies at a conference on “The power of collaboration:
29 October 2019
Student winners for Manchester Crime and Justice Film Festival
Congratulations to Charlotte Gislam and Rebecca Wynne-Walsh, the joint winners of the Festival’s student choice competition.
25 October 2019
Student winners for Manchester Crime and Justice Film Festival
Congratulations to Charlotte Gislam and Rebecca Wynne-Walsh, the joint winners of the Festival’s student choice competition.
25 October 2019
Ashwin Kumar speaks at the Office for National Statistics Data Capability Research Excellence Awards in London
Ashwin Kumar spoke at the Office for National Statistics Data Capability Research Excellence Awards in London.
18 October 2019
Ashwin Kumar speaks at the Office for National Statistics Data Capability Research Excellence Awards in London
Ashwin Kumar spoke at the Office for National Statistics Data Capability Research Excellence Awards in London.
18 October 2019
PERU participates in the General Assembly of the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research
PERU's Chris Fox and Ashwin Kumar too part in the General Assembly of the UN affiliated European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research.
16 October 2019
PERU participates in the General Assembly of the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research
PERU's Chris Fox and Ashwin Kumar too part in the General Assembly of the UN affiliated European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research.
16 October 2019
Successful US launch of our partnership with Sol Price Center for Social Innovation at University of Southern California
PERU's Chris Fox was at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles last week for the launch of our partnership with the Price Center for Social Innovation.
11 October 2019
Successful US launch of our partnership with Sol Price Center for Social Innovation at University of Southern California
PERU's Chris Fox was at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles last week for the launch of our partnership with the Price Center for Social Innovation.
11 October 2019
Successful US launch of our partnership with Sol Price Center for Social Innovation at University of Southern California
PERU's Chris Fox was at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles last week for the launch of our partnership with the Price Center for Social Innovation.
11 October 2019
PERU to evaluate three Youth Endowment Fund projects
PERU is pleased to announce that it is working with the Youth Endowment Fund to evaluate 3 of the twenty two projects for which funding is announced today.
10 October 2019
Does it work: the challenges of designing robust impact evaluations
PERU’s Stephen Morris and Kevin Wong are hosting and leading a learning workshop today for Greater Manchester policy makers, commissioners and service providers.
9 October 2019
Does it work: the challenges of designing robust impact evaluations
PERU’s Stephen Morris and Kevin Wong are hosting and leading a learning workshop today for Greater Manchester policy makers, commissioners and service providers.
9 October 2019
Securing High-Quality Data on Populations
Population Europe have published a policy brief which argues that there is a need for high quality comparative longitudinal survey for the full life-course.
8 October 2019
The European Cohort Development Project (ECDP) gears up to bring the EuroCohort survey to life
The European Cohort Development Project (ECDP) is developing the technical, financial and political case for a European-wide longitudinal cohort study of children and young people's wellbeing.
4 October 2019
Hate Crime Reporting Policy is fundamentally flawed
At a national conference today PERU’s Kevin Wong will argue that the Government’s Hate Crime Reporting Policy is fundamentally flawed, reliant on good intentions but inadequately resourced
3 October 2019
Hate Crime Reporting Policy is fundamentally flawed
At a national conference today PERU’s Kevin Wong will argue that the Government’s Hate Crime Reporting Policy is fundamentally flawed, reliant on good intentions but inadequately resourced.
3 October 2019
PERU to evaluate the RESCALED project – promoting Detention Houses
Over the next three years PERU will evaluate the implementation and impact of the RESCALED programme.
23 September 2019
Ashwin Kumar speaks at Fabian Society event on the future of work for low-paid workers
Dr Kim Heyes is speaking at the 5th Community Psychology Festival in Brighton at a workshop on Bringing Activism back into Community Psychology.
13 September 2019
Kim Heyes appointed as Trustee and Non-Executive Director of PSS
Kim Heyes has been appointed a Trustee and Non-Executive Director of PSS.
12 September 2019
University hosts huge international sociology conference
The University, led by staff in PERU, has co-hosted a huge international sociology conference – welcoming over 3000 delegates to Manchester.
2 September 2019
Radical reforms to local authorities have gone unnoticed and unchallenged: Chris O’Leary writes in The Conversation
In an article in The Conversation PERU's Chris O'Leary argues that reforms to the way local authorities are funded are probably the most radical – and least discussed – changes made by the coalition and conservative governments since 2010.
12 August 2019
PERU joins Evaluation Panel of the Youth Endowment Fund
The recently established Youth Endowment Fund (YEF) has announced that PERU, with our colleagues at the Manchester Centre for Youth Studies (MCYS), has been successful in its bid to join their new Evaluation Panel.
5 August 2019
MiCreate Conference in Barcelona: ‘Migrant children’s integration and education in Europe: Approaches, methodologies and policies’
The consortium of the European project MiCREATE will host a symposium, on 24 and 25 October 2019 to explore:
2 August 2019
Innovation and the future of probation
Chris Fox delivered a presentation to HM Inspectorate of Probation's Summer School for its Assistant Inspectors.
31 July 2019
What works in reducing re-offending
Today Chris Fox and Andrew Smith will be delivering a seminar at the Ministry of Justice on What Works in Reducing Reoffending.
24 July 2019
Ashwin Kumar chairs panel discussion at launch of Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter
Ashwin Kumar chaired the panel discussion at the launch on 22 July of the Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter.
23 July 2019
Ashwin Kumar speaks at Fabian Society event on the future of work for low-paid workers
On 24 July, Ashwin Kumar will speak at a Fabian Society event on the future of work for low-paid workers
23 July 2019
Ashwin Kumar speaks at the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership event on Women and the Future of Work
Ashwin Kumar spoke at the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership event on Women and the Future of Work.
15 July 2019
PERU helping to organise the 14th European Sociological Association
The local organising committee of the 14h European Sociological Association, taking place in Manchester, is chaired by PERU's Gary Pollock and members include PERU's Jessica Ozan and Aleks Szymczyk.
4 July 2019
Kirstine Szifris appointed vice-Chair of Prisoner Learning Academic Network
Kirstine Szifris has been appointed the vice-Chair of Prisoner Learning Academic Network (PLAN).
25 June 2019
New partnership with the University of Southern California
We are pleased to announce a new international partnership on social impact investing between Manchester Metropolitan University and the University of Southern California.
5 June 2019
Professor Sir Martin Narey’s inaugural lecture published
In his inaugural lecture in March, PERU’s Visiting Professor Sir Martin Narey reflected on the links between care, custody, alcohol and child neglect
23 May 2019
PERU appointed to What Works Centre for Children’s Social Care Panel of Evaluators
The Policy Evaluation and Research Unit have been appointed to Panel of Evaluators for the What Works Centre for Children’s Social Care.
22 May 2019
Kirstine Szifris talks at Columbia University, New York about researching philosophy education in prisons
Kirstine Szifris will today give a talk at the Heyman Centre for Humanities
21 May 2019
PERU launch Reducing Reoffending website
PERU will today launch the Reducing Reoffending website.
16 May 2019
PERU hosts events as part of HMPPS Insights Festival
Throughout this week PERU will be hosting a series of events as part of Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service Insights ’19 Festival.
13 May 2019
New podcast on personalisation
Staff from PERU feature in a new podcast on personalisation.
2 May 2019
Manchester CRIME and JUSTICE Film Festival – PERU’s Kevin Wong on BBC Radio Manchester
PERU’s Kevin Wong will appear on BBC Radio Manchester today to talk about The Manchester CRIME and JUSTICE Film Festival.
24 April 2019
Using Digital Technology to Improve Learning
PERU's Andrew Smith and Man Met ESRI's Professor Cathy Lewin recently carried out a comprehensive review of global evidence describing the effectiveness of digital technologies in raising attainment in schools.
1 April 2019
Webinar: Children and Adolescents Speaking Truth to Adults – Ethics and Participation
PERU member Dr Jessica Ozan will be contributing to a YouthPower Learning Webinar this Thursday 4th March.
1 April 2019
The Manchester Crime and Justice Film Festival – May 2019
We prefer ideas and solutions that we don’t have to work at, particularly those that chime with our existing ideologies and beliefs
14 March 2019
PERU’s review of technology in probation supervision published by HM Inspectorate of Probation.
PERU has completed a review of technology in probation supervision that is published today by HM Inspectorate of Probation.
13 March 2019
PERU PhD student Gail Mann wins postgraduate prize
PERU PhD student Gail Mann won second prize for best presentation at MMU's Postgaduate Research conference this week
8 March 2019
Kirstine Szifris leads seminar on Philosophy Education in Prisons at Prison Research Centre, Cambridge
PERU’s Kirstine Szifris has been invited back to the Prison Research Centre, Cambridge University to lead a seminar today on Philosophy Education in Prisons.
27 February 2019
Professor Sue Baines inaugural lecture
Professor Sue Baines will deliver her inaugural lecture ('Reinventing the past – investing in the future') on Monday 25th March at 6pm.
20 February 2019
Ashwin Kumar appointed as new Professor of Social Policy
Ashwin Kumar, currently Chief Economist at the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF), is joining Manchester Met in May 2019 as its new Professor of Social Policy.
11 February 2019
Chris Fox undertaking Chancellor’s Fellowship with Think Local, Act Personal (TLAP)
In 2017, TLAP published a report Gathering the Evidence: Making Personal Budgets Work for All, setting out a direction for improving understanding on the impact of personalisation.
4 February 2019
PERU staff part of new project on Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe
PERU is working with a consortium of 15 partners across Europe on a three-year innovation project, MiCREATE (Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe).
31 January 2019
The British Journal of Community Justice website is now live
The British Journal of Community Justice website is going live to our readers today. It’s a special issue on women offenders.
24 January 2019
PERU staff visit Taylor’s University, Malaysia
Kim Heyes and Kirstine Szifris have been awarded an ERASMUS+ grant to visit Taylor’s University, Malaysia this week.
22 January 2019
PERU’s Dr. Peter Traynor addresses Vietnamese National Police Academy
During a private visit to Vietnam over the Christmas period PERU's Dr Peter Traynor was invited to address the Vietnamese National Police Academy in Hanoi.
21 January 2019
Developing a voluntary sector model for engaging people with convictions
PERU’s Kevin Wong is proposing a distinctive model for the voluntary sector to engage with people with convictions built on: reciprocity, reliability, consistency and emotional pleasure.
11 January 2019
EuroCohort article in Research Matters now open access
Professor Gary Pollock's article on EuroCohort: Europe's first birth cohort survey is now available to download for free.
8 January 2019
US podcast features PERU staff’s book on Payment by Results and Social Impact Bonds
The most recent edition of the Bedrosian Center podcast features a recently published book on Payment by Results and Social Impact Bonds
18 December 2018
PERU’s Kirstine Szifris appointed trustee of Irise International
PERU’s Kirstine Szifris has recently been appointed trustee of Irise International, a charity that focusses on period poverty and menstruation issues.
6 December 2018
EuroCohort included in initial analysis of UK infrastructures
EuroCohort, a project led by PERU, has been mentioned in the initial analysis of infrastructures as part of the process to develop the next UK Research Infrastructure Roadmap.
5 December 2018
New article by PERU’s Kirstine Szifris – When Boredom Becomes Stagnation: The Importance of Occupying the Mind
PERU’s Kirstine Szifris has had an article on boredom published by a leading philosophy magazine, How the Light Gets In.
28 November 2018
Benefit changes drive increase in homelessness from rented housing
New resarch by the Policy Evauation and Research Unit, commissioned by the Residentail Landlords Association, is released today.
21 November 2018
PERU team member at the American Evaluation Association Conference
The American Evaluation Association Conference started yesterday in Cleveland, Ohio.
1 November 2018
Manchester event, 16th Oct: Academy for Social Justice Evening Seminar
Fulfilling the legacy of the Stephen Lawrence inquiry report – twenty years on
4 October 2018
Manchester event, 6th Nov: Academy for Social Justice Evening Seminar
Complex commissioning for complex needs using partnerships, individuals assets and lived experience to build fulfilling lives.
4 October 2018
Supporting women offenders in Greater Manchester
PERU’s Rachel Kinsella and Kevin Wong along with other MMU colleagues have now completed their three-year evaluation of the Whole System Approach to Women Offenders in Greater Manchester.
19 September 2018
The government’s rough sleeping strategy has some major flaws argues Chris O’Leary
In a new article in Inside Housing PERU's Dr. Chris O'Leary explains that the rough sleeping population is not homogenous, nor is it static.
13 September 2018
PERU’s Kirstine Szifris invited as keynote speaker at the Tutor’s Association Conference 2018
PERU’s Kirstine Szifris has been invited to give the closing keynote to the Tutor’s Association conference at the Barbican centre in London on October 16th 2018.
7 September 2018
MMU hosts Prison Learning Alliance Conference 2018
MMU is proud to be hosting the Prison Learning Alliance (PLA) Conference 2018.
7 September 2018
Chris Fox new National Liason Official for European Centre for Social Welfare & Policy Research
PERU's Chris Fox has become the National Liaison Official for the European Centre for Social Welfare and Policy Research.
6 September 2018
PERU team members submit evidence to the Defence Committee inquiry into Global Islamist Terrorism
A submission authored by PERU's Gavin Bailey, Phil Edwards and Kevin Wong has been published by the Defence Committee inquiry into Global Islamist Terrorism.
20 July 2018
PERU Associate, Phil Edwards publishes article on counter-terrorist legislation
PERU Associate Dr. Phil Edwards has published a paper arguing that contemporary British counter-terrorist legislation is dominated by ‘counter-law
3 July 2018
Hate Crime Film Launch
Earlier this year PERU’s Kevin Wong and Gavin Bailey contributed to the recording of a film aimed at raising awareness of Hate Crime amongst children and young people.
29 June 2018
Knife crime: I spoke to young people who carry blades – and they want to stop the violence
PERU's Peter Traynor has had a piece on knife crime published in The Conversation.
25 June 2018
PERU researchers in Tanzania
Dr Jessica Hind-Ozan and Kim Heyes are currently in Tanzania to facilitate the coming together of a consortium of academics and policy makers.
6 June 2018
Prison Learning Alliance Conference coming to Manchester Metropolitan University in September 2018
PERU is delighted to announce that the Prison Learning Alliance conference is coming to Manchester Metropolitan University in the Autumn.
17 May 2018
PERU’s Rachel Kinsella speaks on evaluation at Clinks Networking Forum
PERU’s Rachel Kinsella spoke at the Clinks Networking Forum:
14 May 2018
Events and seminars to mark launch of new book on Social Impact Bonds and Payment by Results
To mark the launch of their book on Payment by Results and Social Impact Bonds: Outcome-based Payment Systems in the UK and US the authors are taking part in a number of events and seminars in the UK and Europe.
5 May 2018
Payment by Results and Social Impact Bonds in the UK and the US
New Book Documents What We Know About Innovative Financing Models
24 April 2018
Women of the World (WOW) Festival
PERU Research Associate Kim Heyes will be talking about how to support victims and perpetrators of domestic abuse at the Women of the World (WOW) Festival in Chester
17 April 2018
Philosophy in prisons
Dr Kirstine Szifris of PERU today presented the findings from her PhD work at the British Sociological Association conference at Northumbria University.
12 April 2018
Young adult courts
A new report published yesterday is advocating a distinct approach to the way that young adults are treated at court.
11 April 2018
Millennials’ home ownership hopes dashed by a broken housing market
PERU’s Dr Chris O' Leary, an expert on housing, writes about home ownership.
19 February 2018
PERU researchers lead survey design for Europe-wide study of young people’s well-being
Manchester Metropolitan University researchers are leading the design of a survey for the first Europe-wide project to track the well-being of children as they grow up.
22 January 2018
Launch of new website on What Works in Reducing Reoffending
PERU, partnership with Interserve today launched a new Reducing Reoffending website.
18 January 2018
Between Care and the Criminal Justice System: Setting the agenda for the next decade
PERU’s Kevin Wong presented findings from the Transition to Adulthood Pathway Programme Evaluation at “Between Care and the Criminal Justice System
29 November 2017
Hate globalisation? Try localism, not nationalism: Kevin Albertson in The Conversation
In an article in the The Conversation Kevin Albertson looks at reactions to globalisation and argues that while nationalism is often the response to globalisation, localism would be far better for us all.
13 November 2017
PERU to lead major new European project on child and young people’s wellbeing
The European Cohort Development Project (ECDP) is a Design Study which will create the specification and business case for a European Research Infrastructure that will provide, over the next 25 years, comparative longitudinal survey data on child and young adult well-being. The project addresses an important gap in evidence to support better policy-making.
10 November 2017
Evaluation of the T2A Pathway initiative published today
The final process evaluation of the T2A Pathway initiative is published today.
19 October 2017
Innovative Social Investment: Strengthening communities in Europe (InnOSI) Final Conference
Today some of the PERU team are in Brussels leading the closing conference for the InnOSI project. A short video describing the project and its main aims is available to watch.
13 October 2017
PERU part of major new European project on public sector reform
PERU will be working with a consortium of 24 partners across Europe on a three-year innovation project Co-creation of Service Innovations in Europe (CoSIE).
29 September 2017
Manchester Metropolitan University appointed to evaluate the impact of the Koestler Arts Awards
Manchester Metropolitan University is delighted to be appointed by the Koestler Trust to evaluate the impact of the Koestler Arts Awards.
18 September 2017
Reviewing the evidence base for Payment by Results and Social Impact Bonds in the UK
Chris Fox presented a paper based on a structured review of emprical evaluations of 32 Social Impact Bonds (SIBs) and 35 Payment by Results (PbR) programmes implemented in the UK since 2010 at a conference on Progressing the debate on Social Impact Bonds:
12 September 2017
Chris Fox to speak at Reform/Metropolis event on innovation in public services
PERU's Chris Fox will speak at a panel event organised by Reform and Metropolis at the Conservative Party conference on the theme ‘Delivering public services that citizens deserve: the role of innovation’
2 September 2017
PERU’s Kevin Wong publishes articles in The Encyclopaedia of Corrections
Kevin Wong (Associate Director of PERU) has published two articles, on Community Justice and Community Service in the newly published The Encyclopedia of Corrections, edited by Kent R. Kerley (Editor in Chief), published by Wiley
29 August 2017
PERU are recruiting 2 Research Associates focused on data management and analysis
The post holder will be based in the Policy Evaluation and Research Unit (PERU) and will work full time on research and evaluation projects that cover criminal justice and wider social policy including welfare, education and housing.
7 July 2017
Innovative Social Investment: Reforming public services – Presentations available
Presentations from this well recieved Innovative Social Investment: Reforming public services 2 day event are available here
29 June 2017
PERU’s Stephen Morris co-author of evaluation report on early education and development
Professor Stephen Morris is a co-author of an evaluation report from The Study of Early Education and Development (SEED).
13 June 2017
Gavin Bailey on al-Muhajiroun in the Conversation
The Conversation today published a piece by PERU's Gavin Bailey, looking at the history of al-Muhajiroun.
12 June 2017
Chris Fox to speak at Scottish Prison Service College on economics of penal policy
PERU's Professor Chris Fox is an invited speaker at a Knowledge Exchange event organised by the Scottish Prison Service taking place at the Scottish Prison Service College on the 14th July.
6 June 2017
Free places available on our seminar on ‘Innovative Social Investment: Reforming public services’
We have a small number of free places to attend our seminar on public service reform on the afternoon of 22nd June and the morning of the 23rd June 2017. The seminar examines two aspects of public service reform: first, innovative approaches to financing and resourcing public services; and secondly, the concept of personalisation and its role in public service reform. The seminar includes speakers from the UK and Europe.
For more details about the seminar and a link to register for a free place click here.
25 May 2017
Manchester as Cosmopolis: Global Migration in a Changing UK
Kevin Albertson spoke at this one-day event on the theme “Globalisation, Nationalism and Devolution”.
10 May 2017
Crest Advisory Report into Community sentences: where did it all go wrong?
Community sentences: where did it all go wrong?
4 May 2017
Sir Martin Narey joins PERU as Visiting Professor
Manchester Metropolitan University is delighted to welcome Sir Martin Narey as a Visiting Professor at its Policy Evaluation and Research Unit (PERU).
4 April 2017
PERU staff write piece for The Conversation on left wing bias in academia
The piece is a response to a recent report by the Adam Smith Institute that highlights a perceived left-wing bias in academia.
3 April 2017
PERU staff co-facilitating workshop at 2nd National Summit on Tackling Multiple Disadvantage
Kevin Wong and Rachel Kinsella from PERU will be co-facilitating a workshop at the 2nd National Summit on Tackling Multiple Disadvantage on the 9th May 2017.
29 March 2017
Getting Started in R: an introduction to data analysis and visualisation
Dr Henry Partridge (PERU, MMU) is co-teaching a week long summer school course on R at the University of Manchester with Dr Reka Solymosi (UoM) in June.
27 March 2017
PERU research associate, Kirstine Szifris, invited to speak at the PET annual symposium
PERU research associate, Kirstine Szifris, has been invited to speak at the Prison Education Trust's annual symposium.
24 March 2017
PERU contributing to debate on Justice Devolution
Staff from PERU are contributing to a number of events on Justice Devolution, working with Metropolis - Manchester Metropolitan's research-led think tank.
16 March 2017
Kevin Wong joins PERU from the Hallam Centre for Criminal Justice
Kevin Wong who was previously Acting Director at the Hallam Centre for Criminal Justice at Sheffield Hallam University is joining PERU during January 2017.
10 January 2017
Chris Fox speaking at National Offender Management Service Research Practice Forum
PERU's Chris Fox will speak at the National Offender Management Service Research Practice Forum on 'Approaches to Deliving Robust Research in Challenging Environments'.
9 January 2017
UK Evaluation Society
Professor Stephen Morris has been elected to the Council of the UK Evaluation Society.
19 December 2016
The challenge of evidence-based policy – new blog from Dr Chris O’Leary
The trouble with the troubled families programme
12 December 2016
New PhD scholarships available – Dec 2016
What works when sample sizes are small? Understanding policy-makers’ evaluation needs in the voluntary, community and social enterprise sectors
6 December 2016
Developing the socio-political and cultural languages of devolution
Kevin Albertson recently organised and spoke at the ESRC funded event “The Rime of the Ancient Manchester: Developing the socio-political and cultural languages of devolution”.
6 December 2016
Yule be pleased you took time to listen
Kevin Albertson recently discussed the value (or otherwise) of giving presents on ABC’s radio programme/podcast The Money.
5 December 2016
PERU helps organise national event on ‘Justice devolution: what next?’
PERU is working with Manchester Met's Metropolis (an academic-led think tank) and iNetwork to organise a national event on Justice Devolution.
1 December 2016
New PhD scholarship available – co-production and the Manchester Homelessness Charter
A funded PhD scholarship is now available to evaluate co-production and the Manchester Homelessness Charter.
10 November 2016
PERU-Novus discuss RCTs in prison education
Prof. Stephen Morris and Kirstine Szifris are leading a workshop day with staff from Novus' Engima team.
8 November 2016
Kevin Albertson speaks at the Pro-Manchester Economics Conference
On the 21st of October, Prof. Albertson spoke at the 2016 Pro-Manchester Economics Conference,
24 October 2016
Chris Fox presents at expert meeting of the Dutch Probation Organisations
On September 20th 2016 Professor Chris Fox is presenting to a group from the Dutch Ministry of Safety & Justice and the board, management and policy-advisors of the Dutch Probation Organisations.
19 September 2016
My time as a British Science Association Media Fellow with Channel 4 News
Over the summer, I had the opportunity to spend a couple of weeks working with Tom Clarke, Science Editor for Channel 4 News.
15 September 2016
Gavin Bailey to speak at ESPAnet-Poland on social innovation
PERU's Gavin Bailey will be speaking in Warsaw on 23rd September, as part of the ESPAnet-Poland conference on social investment and development.
15 September 2016
Chris Fox becomes Trustee of Coaching Inside and Out
PERU's Director, Professor Chris Fox, has become a Trustee and non-executive Director of the Coaching Inside and Out (CIAO).
4 August 2016
Professor Stephen Morris to join the Early Intervention Foundation’s Steering Group
The Early Intervention Foundation are launching a programme of work to examine the inter-parental relationship and the consequences of these for family life and child wellbeing.
1 August 2016
Kevin Albertson made Professor of Economics
Kevin Albertson, one of the founder members of PERU and currently leading a strand of work on our Innovative Social Investment (INNOSI) project has been made Professor of Economics at Manchester Metropolitan University.
13 July 2016
Hotspots policing backfires when offenders know
A new paper co-authored by PERU's Henry Partidge and published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology
30 June 2016
PERU leads Child and Youth Wellbeing Policy Forum at European Commission
Members of PERU lead the FP7 Child and Youth Wellbeing (MYWEB) Policy Forum at the European Commission attended by representatives of a number of DGs
27 June 2016
Department for Education appoints Stephen Morris as an Analytical Associate
Professor Stephen Morris has been appointed to the Department for Education's Analytical Associate pool.
10 June 2016
Is a capitalist democracy possible?
Dr Kevin Albertson asks “Is a capitalist democracy possible?
1 June 2016
The UK’s EU Referendum: Understanding the Key Facts & Debate
Dr Kevin Albertson spoke at The UK's EU Referendum:
1 June 2016
PERU’s Stephen Morris appointed to the Government’s Trials Advisory Panel
Professor Stephen Morris has been appointed 'external expert' on the Cross-Government Trial Advice Panel.
28 April 2016
Award of British Science Association Media Fellowship 2016
I am delighted to have been selected as a British Science Assocation Media Fellow for this year! I will be placed with Channel 4, working with the Science Editor, Tom Clarke.
27 April 2016
Banned radical Muslim group know little about world affairs, research says
A unique inside look at the banned radical Islam group Islam4UK found that its members had little interest in world affairs or the politics of the Middle East and Pakistan.
6 April 2016
Chris Fox to speak at the USC conference on ‘Activating Markets for Social Change’
Chris will present a framing paper on the potential for Pay for Success (Payment by Results) to effect large scale social change at the University of Southern California's conference on 'Activating Markets for Social Change'.
10 March 2016
Gavin Bailey to present research on British Jihadis
PERU's Gavin Bailey will be presenting a paper titled ‘Beyond grievance and integration
18 February 2016
Scholarships with Policy Evaluation & Research Unit (PERU)
PhD Scholarship Competition 2016
5 February 2016
MMU’s new Crime and Wellbeing Data Centre is recruiting Research Fellows
MMU is launching a Crime and Well-Being Big Data Centre. Several of the PERU team are involved and the Centre will be closely aligned with PERU.
20 January 2016
Stephen Morris takes up Chair in the Policy Evaluation and Research Unit
Stephen Morris will be joining the Policy Evaluation and Research Unit at Manchester Metropolitan University as a new Professor of Evaluation on the 1st February 2016.
11 January 2016
The Manchester College / Novus
A new partnership will lead the way in offender learning, skills and employability.
17 December 2015
Chris Fox confirmed to run workshop on personalisation and justice reinvestment at Clinks conference
PERU's Director, Chris Fox, will run a workshop at the Clinks annual conference.
24 November 2015
Working to improve offender learning and employment
A NEW partnership will lead the way in offender learning, skills and employability.
20 October 2015
The next five years of criminal justice for England and Wales
Professor Chris Fox's Seminar 'The next five years of criminal justice for England and Wales' at the Academy for Justice Commissioning.
28 July 2015
Horizon2020 project on Innovative Social Investment launched today
Today the Policy Evaluation and Research Unit embarks on a major research and innovation project looking at how innovative social investment policies can strengthen communities in Europe.
1 May 2015
Free Evaluation Webinars
Professor Chris Fox and the Public Service Transformation Network are running a series of six free webinars on Evaluation, which we believe will be of benefit to Academy members.
16 April 2015
London Probation Trust Peer Mentoring Evaluation
The Policy Evaluation and Research Unit (PERU) have published the London Probation Trust (LPT) Peer Mentoring Evaluation.
19 January 2015
Too many young adults go from ‘in care’ directly to jail
An article in "The Independent" highlights research to be published by Patrick Williams
9 December 2014
Kevin Albertson writes in “The Observer”
Thomas Piketty (New Review) and Will Hutton ("Capitalism simply isn't working and here are the reasons why", Comment) argue capitalism isn't working. It has long been known, as Winston Churchill put it in 1945: "The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings."
24 April 2014
Dr. Robert Grimm will be speaking about the economic policies of the German Euro-skeptic party
Dr. Robert Grimm will be speaking about the economic policies of the German Euro-skeptic party ‘Alternative für Deutschland’ on the 4th February 2014
30 January 2014
Academy of Justice Commissioning : NHS Commissioning for Offender Health
NHS Commissioning for Offender Health (Jan 2014)
30 January 2014
Peter Joyce guest editor of January edition of Safer Communities
PERU Associate Dr. Peter Joyce is guest editor of the January edition of Safer Communities ‘Police Crime Commissioners: Twelve Months On’
30 January 2014
Kevin Albertson writes in the Metro
Kevin has had a number of letters published in the Metro Newspaper over the last twelve months;
26 September 2013
PERU Briefing : Justice Reinvestment Thinking outside the cell
Thinking outside the cell.
9 September 2013
MYPLACE Blog on project’s primary data collection phase
Martin Price, MYPLACE Project Manager writes about approaching the end of the project’s primary data collection phase.
11 July 2013
Spring Bulletin of the Academy of Justice Commissioning
Chris Fox has edited the Spring Bulletin of the Academy of Justice Commissioning
21 March 2013
Vision Housing Evaluation in Guardian Newspaper
A recent study by the Department of Sociology & Criminology’s Policy and Evaluation Research Unit (PERU)
11 February 2013