To mark the launch of their book on Payment by Results and Social Impact Bonds: Outcome-based Payment Systems in the UK and US the authors are taking part in a number of events and seminars in the UK and Europe.

To mark the launch of their book on Payment by Results and Social Impact Bonds: Outcome-based Payment Systems in the UK and US the authors are taking part in a number of events and seminars in the UK and Europe.

  • Kevin Albertson, Chris Fox and Chris O’Leary from PERU and Gary Painter from USC the will be speaking at a launch event on the 12th June at Manchester Metropolitan University. To enrol for this free event click here.
  • Chris Fox and Gary Painter will be speaking at a seminar organised by SITRA, the Finish Innovation Fund, in Helsinki on 14th June. Attendance is by invitation only.
  • Chris Fox and Gary Painter will be speaking about the UK and US experience of Social Impact Bonds at a seminar at USC’s London office. The event on the 18th June is co-convened by Social Finance and will also feature Robert Pollock who leads for Social Finance on public sector transformation. Attendance is by invitation only.
  • Chris Fox and Gary Painter will be speaking at a seminar at the ESSEC Business School, Paris on the 19th June. Attendance is by invitation only.
  • Chris Fox and Gary Painter will be speaking at a seminar at the University of Bologna on the 21st June. Attendance is by invitation only.

Payment by Results and Social Impact Bonds: Outcome-based Payment Systems in the UK and US, authored by Kevin Albertson, Chris Fox, Chris O’Leary, and Gary Painter, with Kimberly Bailey and Jessica LaBarbera, was published by the Bristol University Policy Press in the UK in February 2018 and will be released in the US on May 15, 2018; it is distributed in the US by the University of Chicago Press.