Project co-led by PERU is one of 11 new European Research Infrastructures
The Policy Evaluation and Research Unit are proud to announce that our flagship Child wellbeing project GUIDE (Growing Up In Digital Europe) has been included in the latest revision of the ESFRI (European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures) 2021 Roadmap. The GUIDE project will be the first pan European accelerated cohort survey and is co-led by Prof Gary Pollock of PERU and Dr Jennifer Symonds of University College Dublin. It has already received EU funding to assess its feasibility (MYWEB), develop its research design and business plan (ECDP), and to initiate a ‘Starting Community’ (COORDINATE).
GUIDE is anticipated to be central to improving the evidence base for economic and social policies, and it completes, along with SHARE and the Generations and Gender Programme, the suite of longitudinal studies which cover the full life-course.
Prof Pollock said: “I am delighted that GUIDE has been included on the ESFRI 2021 Roadmap. It is a ringing endorsement of the work of the many international partners we have worked with over the years who have supported the work of the PERU team.”
The European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures supports the development and implementation of large pan-European projects which requires significant national investments and involve all scientific disciplines. New additions to the ESFRI 2021 Roadmap include infrastructures in the fields of renewable energy, particle acceleration, gravitational wave telescopy, Big Data, and more.
ESFRI Press Release: