Kevin Wong who was previously Acting Director at the Hallam Centre for Criminal Justice at Sheffield Hallam University is joining PERU during January 2017.

Kevin Wong who was previously Acting Director at the Hallam Centre for Criminal Justice at Sheffield Hallam University is joining PERU during January 2017. He has extensive experience of leading multi-site process and impact evaluations across the criminal justice system including projects, commissioned by the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), National Offender Management Service (NOMS) and Home Office. Some of his recent projects have looked at payment by results pilots, the Local Justice Reinvestment Pilot and Youth Justice Reinvestment Custody Pathfinder; Cost comparison analysis of Layered Offender Management and Tiering in Prison; National evaluation of the Intensive Alternatives to Custody (IAC)  pilot programme; and Building Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) capacity in Integrated Offender Management. He has also led the impact evaluation of the Government’s Adult Out of Court Disposal Pilot and the quantitative data analysis for the Department for Transport’s Careless Driving, Fixed Penalty Notice evaluation.

Kevin has a long-standing interest in the voluntary sector delivery of justice interventions and evaluations he has led in this area include: the Transition to Adulthood Pathway Programme commissioned by the Barrow Cadbury Trust, a key influencer with Government and leading funder of voluntary sector led justice policy initiatives; and the impact of mentoring and other employment support on reoffending outcomes for SOVA a leading VCS offender training provider. He has also researched and evaluated Hate Crime reporting and support services for victims in rural and urban settings.

Kevin was previously an Assistant Director at Nacro, the principal crime reduction charity in the UK, where he had extensive experience of working with local criminal justice agencies, VCS and statutory agencies to develop a wide range of support services for offenders in the community and custody.