The European Cohort Development Project (ECDP) is developing the technical, financial and political case for a European-wide longitudinal cohort study of children and young people's wellbeing.

The European Cohort Development Project (ECDP) is developing the technical, financial and political case for a European-wide longitudinal cohort study of children and young people’s wellbeing. Led by Gary Pollock, the project is entering its final phase which will result in an application for EuroCohort to be included in the 2021 European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures. Achieving ESFRI Roadmap status will place the project on a trajectory which will bring the survey to life through a combination of European funding and prominent status at a national level. To this end presentations have been made over recent months in Helsinki, Lisbon and Bologna to national policy makers and academics which provide the rationale for undertaking such a survey. Future such events will take place in Zagreb and Brandenburg in the coming months. Related to this Pollock recently attended the ESFRI 2021 launch event in Brussels, the most recent meeting of the SHARE project and will present to the OECD in October on data needs for child well-being policy making. The final project conference for ECDP will take place in Brussels at the end of November where outputs from the project will be showcased to an audience of policy makers and academics from across Europe.