The post holder will be based in the Policy Evaluation and Research Unit (PERU) ( and will work full time on research and evaluation projects that cover criminal justice and wider social policy including welfare, education and housing. They will work primarily in the development of research in the field of quantitative social science with a particular focus on assembling, cleaning and analysing large data sets drawn from organisations working in sectors such as criminal justice, welfare, education, and housing.


The post holder will work for part of their time on criminal justice projects covering offender rehabilitation, custody and aspects of policing. These will use varied methods including Rapid Evidence Assessments (REAs), evaluations (implementation, impact and economic), all with a focus on quantitative methods and analysis. Other projects are likely to be in a number of sectors including welfare, education and housing. He/she will work closely with senior research staff in PERU to analyse and disseminate research findings through relevant journals, conferences, and seminars, in order to further the institution’s standing in the HE and research community and contribute to the development of new areas in the field of criminal justice social policy. He/she will take responsibility for the management of discrete research projects as directed by the project co-ordinator. A feature of the PERU team’s work is an ability to work across a number of projects and bids, to respond to tight bidding timetables and adjust work schedules and priorities accordingly. Some of our projects include research in Europe.

Ideal Candidate

The ideal candidate has experience of managing and analysing data from a variety of sources. They are able to use a range of analytical skills including inferential statistical modelling, and spatial analyses. Experience of managing confidential data and knowledge of compliance within data security and protection is an advantage.

This job may require that the holder to undergo a DBS check and/or police vetting, should this be required, either or both must be granted for the post to continue.

For more details about the post view the MMU vacancies website

Posted by

Mark Ellison
