Kevin Wong and Rachel Kinsella from PERU will be co-facilitating a workshop at the 2nd National Summit on Tackling Multiple Disadvantage on the 9th May 2017.
Kevin Wong and Rachel Kinsella from PERU will be co-facilitating a workshop at the 2nd National Summit on Tackling Multiple Disadvantage on the 9th May 2017. The workshop, “Challenges and benefits in the co-production of outcome measurement: commissioner, practitioner and researcher perspectives” will highlight learning from the Transition to Adulthood T2A Pathway Programme Evaluation. It will examine the challenges and benefits of co-production in outcome measurement from a three year pilot programme aimed at supporting young adults aged 16-25 at risk of and involved in the criminal justice system. It will draw on the experiences of: the Commissioner – the Barrow Cadbury Trust; two of the voluntary sector provider agencies: Remedi and Together; and the PERU research team.
This event has been jointly organised by the Big Lottery Fund, CalousteGulbenkian Foundation (UK Branch), Lankelly Chase, the Making Every Adult Matter (MEAM) charities (Clinks, Homeless Link, Mind and Collective Voice) and Revolving Doors Agency.