Upcoming Event: Relational Public Services Book Launch in Memory of Professor Susan Baines

Relational Public Services Book Launch in Memory of Prof Sue Baines

GMVRU Press Release of the Evaluation of Hospital Navigators Programme

This project leverages features associated with the geomasking algorithm to estimate the effect of public crime statistics on house prices.

Prison philanthropist Lady Edwina Grosvenor visits University to mark 200th year anniversary

This project leverages features associated with the geomasking algorithm to estimate the effect of public crime statistics on house prices.

The Manchester International Crime and Justice Film Festival 2024

Welcome to the 2024 festival sponsored by the Department of Sociology at Manchester Metropolitan University and curated by staff from the university’s Policy Evaluation and Research Unit (PERU).

The Manchester International Crime and Justice Film Festival 2023

Welcome to the 2023 festival sponsored by the Department of Sociology at Manchester Metropolitan University and curated by staff from the university’s Policy Evaluation and Research Unit (PERU).

UK Evaluation Society Webinar ‘Learning the Art of Evaluation’ featuring PERU’s Prof Chris Fox

Professor Chris Fox will be presenting at the webinar about the PERU-offered MSc in Evaluation and Policy Analysis, as part of the drive to spotlight HE opportunities in evaluation.

Idleness: book launch with authors Katy Jones and Ashwin Kumar

Idleness: book launch with authors Katy Jones and Ashwin Kumar

The Manchester Crime and Justice Film Festival 2022

Venue: Online, May 2022

PERU events at Insights ’22

The PERU team are supporting this year’s Insights ’22 Festival co-ordinated by Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (online, 11-20 May 2022)

The gig economy: entrepreneurialism, solidarity and the myth of flexibility

Venue: On-line
26th of November, 09.00 to 10.30 GMT

Ethnicity and the Criminal Justice System

Venue: Manchester Metropolitan University
26th November 12 - 4

Cycling Societies: Innovations, Inequalities and Governance – book launch

Venue: On-line
8th of November, 17.30 - 19.00 GMT

The Future of Probation: Post-Unification

Venue: On-line
Wednesday 3rd November from 13.00 to 16.30

College Behind Bars – Educating for Change

Venue: On-line
Wednesday 20th October from 17.00 to 18.30

Gun fingers: “It’s not a game” with film-maker Simon Melbourne

Venue: On-line
Wednesday 26th May from 17.00 to 18.00

Crime and the Camera with Rex Bloomstein

Venue: On-line
Tuesday 18th May from 17.00 to 18.00

Making a restorative criminal justice system a reality

Venue: On-line
Wednesday 28th April 13.00 to 16.30

Hate Crime and COVID-19 Seminar

Venue: On-line
Wed 11 November 2020

FAKE NEWS: health, wellbeing, information and digital literacy

Venue: On-line
Fri 30 October 2020

Where next for co-creating public services? Policy Seminar

Venue: On-line
Wed 7 October 2020

Going virtual: The Manchester Crime and Justice Mini-Film Festival

Venue: On-line Tue 14 July 2020

In-work poverty: low pay, productivity and gender – Professor Ashwin Kumar’s Inaugral Lecture

Venue: Geoffrey Manton Building, Manchester Metropolitan University | Mon 15 June 2020

Kids Rule OK! Webinar: Tips and Pitfalls of engaging with children in evaluations

Venue: Zoom organised by the UK Evaluation Society | 9 July 2020

“Probation – in crisis or on the road to recovery?”

Venue: Geoffrey Manton Building, Manchester Metropolitan University
Tue 19 May 2020

Digital politics seminar

Mon 18 May 2020

Manchester Crime and Justice Film Festival: Shoplifters

Venue: 70 Oxford Street
Wed 1 April 2020

Manchester Crime and Justice Film Festival: American Psycho

Venue: 70 Oxford Street
Wed 25 March 2020

Crime and Justice Networking and Learning Fair

Venue: Geoffrey Manton Building, Manchester Metropolitan University
Wed 18 March 2020

Radical Home Care: How self-managing teams could save social care

Venue: Geoffrey Manton Building, Manchester Metropolitan University
Tue 10 March 2020

Working towards social inclusion: Supporting offenders and marginalised groups into sustainable employment

Venue: Geoffrey Manton Building, Manchester Metropolitan University
Tue 11 February 2020

“Prevention Is Better Than Court” Strategic and Academic perspectives on Diversion, Participation and ‘unmet need’ in the Youth Justice System

Venue: Geoffrey Manton Building, Manchester Metropolitan University
Wed 15 January 2020

Putting pedagogy into practice (Prisoner Learning Academic Network)

Venue: Geoffrey Manton Building, Manchester Metropolitan University
Wed 6 November 2019

Are Social Impact Bonds an Innovation in Finance or Do They Help Finance Social Innovation?

Venue: University of Southern California
Tue 1 October 2019

In-work poverty: low pay, productivity and gender

Venue: Geoffrey Manton Building, Manchester Metropolitan University
Mon 9 September 2019

The Manchester Crime and Justice Film Festival – Do The Right Thing

Venue: Number 70 Oxford Road
Thu 30 May 2019

The Manchester Crime and Justice Film Festival – The Harder They Come

Venue: Number 70 Oxford Road
Thu 23 May 2019

The Manchester Crime and Justice Film Festival – The Purge

Venue: Number 70 Oxford Road
Thu 16 May 2019

What Works in Reducing Reoffending: Evidence and Evaluation

Venue: All Saints Building, Manchester Metropolitan University
Thu 16 May 2019

Identity psychology in probation: Implications for working with personality disorder

Venue: Geoffrey Manton Building, Manchester Metropolitan University
Tue 14 May 2019

Power dynamics in “service provision”

Venue: Geoffrey Manton Building, Manchester Metropolitan University
Wed 8 May 2019

The Manchester Crime and Justice Film Festival: Mona Lisa

Venue: Number 70 Oxford Road
Thu 9 May 201

County Lines – the inside story

Venue: Geoffrey Manton Building, Manchester Metropolitan University
Tue 9 April 2019

Professor Susan Baines Inaugural Lecture: Reinventing the past – investing in the future

Venue: LT1 Geoffrey Manton, Manchester Metropolitan University
Mon 25 March 2019

The truth about the children’s care system, the links between care and custody and the role of alcohol in child neglect

Venue: Geoffrey Manton Building, Manchester Metropolitan University
Tue 19 March 2019

Offender to Entrepreneur: Sharing best practice from the USA in enabling individuals to develop a crime free future

Venue: Manchester Metropolitan University
Wed 9 January 2019

Homelessness and the private rented sector

Venue: Manchester School of Art (Benzie Building), Manchester Metropolitan University
Mon 26 November 2018

Complex commissioning for complex needs using partnerships, individuals assets and lived experience

Venue: Manchester Metropolitan University
Tue 6 November 2018

Randomised controlled trials: past, present and prospects for the future – a personal perspective

Venue: Hilton Deansgate, 303 Deansgate, Manchester M3 4LQ
Wed 24 October 2018

Fulfilling the legacy of the Stephen Lawrence inquiry report – twenty years on

Venue: Manchester Metropolitan University
Tue 16 October 2018

Engaging Offenders – exploring alternative approaches to commissioning voluntary sector services

Venue: Manchester Metropolitan University
Thu 13 September 2018

Book Launch of Payment by Results and Social Impact Bonds: Outcome-based Payment Systems

Venue: Geoffrey Manton Building, Manchester Metropolitan University
Tue 12 June 2018

Increasing the use of Community Sentence Treatment Requirements

Venue: Manchester Metropolitan University
Thu 26 April 2018

Outcomes-based Commissioning: Learning from Payment by Results and Social Impact Bonds

Venue: Manchester Metropolitan University
Tue 27 March 2018

Supported Housing Symposium

Venue: Manchester, UK
Thu 15 March 2018

Reflections on the delivery of probation services and the commissioning of probation services

Venue: Manchester Metropolitan University
Tue 27 February 2018

Coaching’s Impact on Social Exclusion: Measuring Hearts and Minds

Venue: Manchester Metropolitan University
Tue 9 January 2018

Cooperating Out of Crime? What can cooperatives bring to prisoner rehabilitation?

Venue: Manchester Metropolitan University
Tue 21 November 2017

Coaching’s Impact on Social Exclusion: Measuring Hearts and Minds

Venue: Manchester Metropolitan University
Thu 9 November 2017

Innovative Social Investment: Finding New Routes to Make Social Rights Real

Venue: Louvain (Brussels)
Fri 13 October 2017

Justice Devolution: delivering better justice through Justice Reinvestment

Venue: Geoffrey Manton Building, Manchester Metropolitan University
Wed 13 September 2017

Innovative technology to deliver outcomes for people with disabilities & long-term health conditions

Venue: Manchester Metropolitan University
Tue 11 July 2017

Innovative Social Investment: Reforming public services

Venue: Manchester Metropolitan University
Thu 22 June 2017 — Fri 23 June 2017

Can small changes make a big difference? Applying behavioural insights to public services

Venue: Geoffrey Manton Building, Manchester Metropolitan University
Thu 6 April 2017

Stephen Morris Inaugural Lecture

Venue: Geoffrey Manton Building, Manchester Metropolitan University
Mon 12 March 2018 — Mon 19 March 2018

Academy for Justice Commissioning: Developing Integrated Place Based Services in Greater Manchester

Venue: Manchester Metropolitan University
Tue 31 January 2017

Justice devolution: what next?

Venue: Manchester Metropolitan University
Wed 14 December 2016

PERU is recruiting a Senior Research Assistant – closing date 21st November

We are recruiting a Senior Research Assistant on a 2 year contract.

Offender Management – Devolution and Local Commissioning

Venue: Geoffrey Manton Building, Manchester Metropolitan University
Mon 3 October 2016

Professor Chris Fox is a member of the new Probation Inspectorate Advisory Board

Professor Chris Fox is one of 7 members of the newly formed HM Inspectorate of Probation Advisory Board.

Hello . . . is it me you’re commissioning for?

Venue: Geoffrey Manton Building, Manchester Metropolitan University | Thu 16 June 2016

Personalisation, Innovation and Transforming Rehabilitation

Venue: Geoffrey Manton Building, Manchester Metropolitan University | Thu 19 May 2016

Extremism and Counter-Extremism: Changing Images, Emerging Realities

Venue: Manchester | Thu 5 May 2016

Commissioning better public services through user engagement

Venue: Geoffrey Manton Building, Manchester Metropolitan University | Tue 15 March 2016

Policing in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities

Venue: Geoffrey Manton Building, Manchester Metropolitan University | Tue 26 January 2016

Approaches to measuring impact – what can be done when circumstances are far from ideal

Venue: Geoffrey Manton Building, Manchester Metropolitan University | Tue 1 December 2015

Evaluation Workshop – International Year of Evaluation

Venue: Geoffrey Manton, Location: Room 104 | Wed 25 November 2015

Wellbeing beyond GDP

Venue: Manchester Metropolitan University | Wed 4 November 2015

Effective de-commissioning: the flip-side of effective commissioning

Venue: Geoffrey Manton Building, Manchester Metropolitan University Location: Manchester, Uk | Wed 21 October 2015

Rethinking the Economics of Crime and Justice

Venue: Geoffrey Manton Building, Manchester Metropolitan University | Thu 24 September 2015

Devolution and Whole System Commissioning

Venue: Geoffrey Manton Building, Manchester Metropolitan University. Location: Manchester, UK
Mon 14 September 2015

European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference 2015 (EISIC)

Venue: Manchester Metropolitan University Location: MMU Business School, All Saints Campus, Oxford Road, Manchester, M15 6BH
Mon 7 September 2015 - Wed 9 September 2015

The next five years of criminal justice for England and Wales

Venue: Manchester Metropolitan University. Location: Geoffrey Manton Building, Rosamund Street West, Manchester M15 6LL. | Mon 20 July 2015

Webinar 5: Systematic Review

Venue: Free on-line webinar | Mon 15 June 2015

Webinar 6: Knowledge Mobilisation

Venue: Free on-line webinar | Wed 10 June 2015

Through the Gate Services – an Academy for Justice Commissioning evening seminar

Venue: Manchester Metropolitan University, Geoffrey Manton Building, Rosamund Street West, Manchester M15 6LL | Tue 9 June 2015

Evaluation webinar: economic evaluation

Venue: Online: | Mon 1 June 2015

Evaluation webinar: impact evaluation

Venue: Online: | Thu 14 May 2015

MYPLACE Final Conference

Venue: Importanne Hotels and Resort Dubrovnik, Croatia. | Thu 5 March 2015 - Sat 7 March 2015

Webinar 2: Process Evaluation

Venue: Webinar. Location: Manchester Metropolitan University | Mon 27 April 2015

How to Run the Country Manual – Election Special Discussion

Venue: Manchester Metropolitan University Business School | Tue 21 April 2015

Webinar 1: Getting Started and Theory of Change

Venue: Webinar. Location Manchester Metropolitan University | Mon 30 March 2015
Contact: Chris Fox Email: c.fox@mmu.ac.uk

Alcohol Interventions in Prison – Brief Interventions, Screening, Recovery

Venue: Manchester Evening Seminar | Thu 5 February 2015