Venue: Webinar. Location: Manchester Metropolitan University | Mon 27 April 2015
Contact: Chris FoxEmail:
Webinar 2: Process Evaluation
Monday, 27 April, 2015, From 15.00 to 16.00
Chris Fox is Professor of Evaluation at Manchester Metropolitan University and Director of the Policy Evaluation Research Unit and in this session he will discuss:-
- The purposes of ‘process’ or ‘implementation’ evaluation and different frameworks for process evaluation.
- Methods typically used in qualitative studies – open and semi-structured interviews, observations and document analysis.
- The uses and abuses of secondary data.
- The use of computer software in qualitative data analysis – triangulating different data sources and ensuring quality.
If you would like to join this webinar please register here
Can’t make this one? If you are interested in this or any of the other free webinars on Evaluation please do sign up anyway as everyone who has registered for an event will receive a link to the recorded webinar so that it can be viewed at a convenient time.
Evaluation Webinars – list of topics
Webinar 1 – Getting Started and Theory of Change
This session took place on 30 March and the recorded webinar is available online: Part 1 – Part 2
Webinar 2 – Process Evaluation, Monday, 27 April from 15.00 to 16.00
Webinar 3 – Impact Evaluation, Thursday, 14 May from 15.00 to 16.00
Webinar 4 – Economic Evaluation, Monday, 1 June from 15.00 to 16.00
Webinar 5 – Systematic Review, Monday, 15 June from 15.00 to 16.00
Webinar 6 – Knowledge Mobilisation, Monday, 29 June from 15.00 to 16.00
Please follow this link to register for the webinar series.
Please note you must register for each date individually (using the drop-down box)