Supporting Girls in Care To Desist From Offending Behaviour

This project leverages features associated with the geomasking algorithm to estimate the effect of public crime statistics on house prices.

The Exploitation of Girls in Care: An Ongoing Struggle for Recognition

This project leverages features associated with the geomasking algorithm to estimate the effect of public crime statistics on house prices.

GUIDEPREP: The preparation phase for the Growing Up In Digital Europe survey

Growing Up in Digital Europe (GUIDE) will be Europe’s first comparative birth cohort study of children’s and young people’s wellbeing.

Evaluation of Primary Science Quality Mark in English Primary Schools

PERU with colleagues from ESRI have been awarded a grant from the Education Endowment Foundation to evaluate the Primary Science Quality Mark programme.

Evaluation of Reading Plus in English Primary Schools

Along with colleagues in ESRI, Peru has been awarded a grant of £550k to evaluate the impact of Reading Plus on pupils in Year 6 of primary school.

Exploring the intersections between ethnicity, care experience and youth justice involvement in England

The primary focus of this ADR UK (Administrative Data Research UK) Research Fellowship is to understand the links between care experience (i.e. having been in foster care, children’s homes and/or kinship care), ethnicity and involvement with the youth justice system in England.

Adverse Childhood Experiences, Intimate Partner Violence, and Mental Well-Being Among Mothers of Toddlers in Tirana, Albania: A Cross-Sectional Mediation Analysis

This article examines the relationship between maternal exposure to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), intimate partner violence (IPV), and two aspects of maternal mental well-being—stress and depressive symptoms in the context of Tirana, Albania.

New research shows one in three children who’ve been in care enter youth justice system

Children who’ve been in care are disproportionately likely to have youth justice involvement

Care Experience, Ethnicity and Youth Justice Involvement: Key Trends and Policy Implications

This briefing is based on descriptive findings from an ADR UK (Administrative Data Research UK) Research Fellowship project

Interested in child wellbeing and want to work on cutting-edge research?

The Policy Evaluation Research Unit at Manchester Metropolitan University is recruiting a Research Associate to work on the first pan-European cohort study measuring child and youth wellbeing across Europe

Predictors of Positive and Negative Parenting Practices Among Mothers of Two-to-Three-Year-Old Children: Findings From Tirana, Albania

The purpose of this article is to determine the predictors of positive and negative parenting practices among mothers of two-to-three-year-old children in Tirana, Albania.

‘We can talk about domestic abuse’ Pilot Evaluation Report published

The Pilot Evaluation Report, authored by Dr Jessica Ozan, Sandor Gellen, Prof Chris Fox, Prof Stephen Morris and Rebecca Cargill, has now been published on the What Works for Children's Social Care (WWCSC) website.

Evaluation of the Peer Assisted Learning Strategies for Reading UK (PALS-UK) intervention: A two-armed cluster randomised trial

Peer Assisted Learning Strategies for Reading (PALS) is a whole class intervention designed to improve children’s oral reading fluency and reading comprehension.

New book on Contemporary Inequalities and the Life Course

This book draws upon perspectives from across the globe, employing an interdisciplinary life course approach.

Job Opportunity – PERU is recruiting a Research Associate

The PERU team is growing and has a Research Associate job opportunity to join our established project team.

Job Opportunity – PERU is recruiting a Research Associate

The PERU team is growing and has a Research Associate job opportunity to join our established project team.

Project co-led by PERU is one of 11 new European Research Infrastructures

Growing Up In Digital Europe (GUIDE), which is co-led by PERU has been included in the latest revision of the ESFRI (European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures) 2021 Roadmap

COORDINATE: Cohort Community Research and Development Infrastructure Network for Access Throughout Europe

The European Cohort Development Project (ECDP) is a Design Study which will create the specification and business case for a European Research Infrastructure that will provide, over the next 25 years, comparative longitudinal survey data on child and young adult well-being.

Early Life Cohort Feasibility Study (ELC-FS)

PERU part of a consortium to develop and test the design, methodology and viability of an Early Life Cohort Study that is likely to follow participants for more than 70 years.

Researchers to develop first ever Europe-wide survey to track children’s wellbeing as they grow up

The Policy Evaluation and Research Unit (PERU) at Manchester Metropolitan University leads international project that will generate exciting new data to help policy makers improve child and youth well-being

The Big Life Group – Multi Modal Practitioner (MMP) evaluation

In partnership with the Ministry of Justice and the Barrow Cadbury Trust, PERU researchers are undertaking a qualitative study on the views and experiences of participants in the Chance to Change pilots.

Conference call: migrant children’s integration in European communities

PERU is a member of the MiCREATE project. The MiCREATE consortium is holding a confererence in Krakow, Poland from the 4-5 December 2020 and welcomes papers, which elaborate and explore both theoretical and practical problems of migrant children’s integration in European communities.

Kids Rule OK! Webinar: Tips and Pitfalls of engaging with children in evaluations

Venue: Zoom organised by the UK Evaluation Society | 9 July 2020

Reflections from the classroom. MiCreate team blogs its research

Already in its second year, MiCreate, a project providing a child-centred approach to exploring and surmounting integration challenges, has gathered valuable insights from schools across Manchester.

Why Evaluate? Lunchtime Conference Programme: Widening Participation, Evaluation and COVID 19

PERU's Chris Fox is speaking at Villiers Park Educational Trust's virtual ‘lunchtime’ conference programme on evaluation in the Higher Education widening participation agenda.

Launch event of EuroCohort: Growing Up in Europe

the case for the new Growing Up in Europe Survey as developed by The European Cohort Development Project (ECDP)

Roundtable on EuroCohort at Department for Education

Today members of PERU are leading a roundtable session at the Department for Education updating on the latest developments in the EuroCohort project.

Evaluating the effectiveness of the SEND Review process on raising attainment in English, and secondary outcomes.

This is an evaluation of the effectiveness of the SEND Review process on raising attainment in English at GCSE. The evaluation will also measure the effect of the process on pupil wellbeing, attendance and exclusions.

PERU to evaluate three Youth Endowment Fund projects

PERU is pleased to announce that it is working with the Youth Endowment Fund to evaluate 3 of the twenty two projects for which funding is announced today.

Securing High-Quality Data on Populations

Population Europe have published a policy brief which argues that there is a need for high quality comparative longitudinal survey for the full life-course.

Securing High-quality Data on Populations

Why we need EuroCohort, GGP and SHARE in Europe

The European Cohort Development Project (ECDP) gears up to bring the EuroCohort survey to life

The European Cohort Development Project (ECDP) is developing the technical, financial and political case for a European-wide longitudinal cohort study of children and young people's wellbeing.

PERU joins Evaluation Panel of the Youth Endowment Fund

The recently established Youth Endowment Fund (YEF) has announced that PERU, with our colleagues at the Manchester Centre for Youth Studies (MCYS), has been successful in its bid to join their new Evaluation Panel.

MiCreate Conference in Barcelona: ‘Migrant children’s integration and education in Europe: Approaches, methodologies and policies’

The consortium of the European project MiCREATE will host a symposium, on 24 and 25 October 2019 to explore:

Professor Sir Martin Narey’s inaugural lecture published

In his inaugural lecture in March, PERU’s Visiting Professor Sir Martin Narey reflected on the links between care, custody, alcohol and child neglect

PERU appointed to What Works Centre for Children’s Social Care Panel of Evaluators

The Policy Evaluation and Research Unit have been appointed to Panel of Evaluators for the What Works Centre for Children’s Social Care.

Manchester CRIME and JUSTICE Film Festival – PERU’s Kevin Wong on BBC Radio Manchester

PERU’s Kevin Wong will appear on BBC Radio Manchester today to talk about The Manchester CRIME and JUSTICE Film Festival.  

County Lines – the inside story

Venue: Geoffrey Manton Building, Manchester Metropolitan University
Tue 9 April 2019

Using Digital Technology to Improve Learning

PERU's Andrew Smith and Man Met ESRI's Professor Cathy Lewin recently carried out a comprehensive review of global evidence describing the effectiveness of digital technologies in raising attainment in schools.

Webinar: Children and Adolescents Speaking Truth to Adults – Ethics and Participation

PERU member Dr Jessica Ozan will be contributing to a YouthPower Learning Webinar this Thursday 4th March.

Kirstine Szifris leads seminar on Philosophy Education in Prisons at Prison Research Centre, Cambridge

PERU’s Kirstine Szifris has been invited back to the Prison Research Centre, Cambridge University to lead a seminar today on Philosophy Education in Prisons.

Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe (MiCREATE)

The vision of MiCREATE is to provide a child-centred approach to exploring and surmounting integration challenges.

PERU staff part of new project on Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe

PERU is working with a consortium of 15 partners across Europe on a three-year innovation project, MiCREATE (Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe).

EuroCohort article in Research Matters now open access

Professor Gary Pollock's article on EuroCohort: Europe's first birth cohort survey is now available to download for free.

EuroCohort included in initial analysis of UK infrastructures

EuroCohort, a project led by PERU, has been mentioned in the initial analysis of infrastructures as part of the process to develop the next UK Research Infrastructure Roadmap.

PERU team member at the American Evaluation Association Conference

The American Evaluation Association Conference started yesterday in Cleveland, Ohio.

Measuring Youth Well-being: How a Pan-European Longitudinal Survey can improve Policy

This volume presents key findings from the EU funded Measuring Youth Well-being (MYWeB) project which assessed the feasibility of a European Longitudinal Study for Children and Young People (ELSCYP).

The Family Skills Evaluation

The Family Skills Evaluation is funded by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) and carried out by NatCen Social Research. This study will test the impact of a family literacy programme.

The Study of Early Education and Development (SEED) in England

This is a multi-cohort, multi-wave study of pre-school children and their parents in England. The study is in part designed to test whether making funded early childhood education and care (ECEC) available to low and moderate income families raises their use of preschool care.

T2A Final Process Evaluation Report

The T2A Pathway initiative, 6 projects led by charities in partnership with statutory services, delivered services to 16-25 year olds across sites in England between 2014-2017.

Young adult courts

A new report published yesterday is advocating a distinct approach to the way that young adults are treated at court.

PERU researchers lead survey design for Europe-wide study of young people’s well-being

Manchester Metropolitan University researchers are leading the design of a survey for the first Europe-wide project to track the well-being of children as they grow up.

Grandmentors Review: Final Report

Grandmentors Review: Final Report

Between Care and the Criminal Justice System: Setting the agenda for the next decade

PERU’s Kevin Wong presented findings from the Transition to Adulthood Pathway Programme Evaluation at “Between Care and the Criminal Justice System

European Cohort Development Project (ECDP)

The European Cohort Development Project (ECDP) is a Design Study which will create the specification and business case for a European Research Infrastructure that will provide, over the next 25 years, comparative longitudinal survey data on child and young adult well-being.

PERU to lead major new European project on child and young people’s wellbeing

The European Cohort Development Project (ECDP) is a Design Study which will create the specification and business case for a European Research Infrastructure that will provide, over the next 25 years, comparative longitudinal survey data on child and young adult well-being. The project addresses an important gap in evidence to support better policy-making.

Evaluation of the T2A Pathway initiative published today

The final process evaluation of the T2A Pathway initiative is published today.

Understanding Youth Participation Across Europe

From Survey to Ethnography - presents findings from a major cross-European research project mapping the civic and political engagement of young Europeans in the context of both shared and diverse political heritages.

Eurosceptic Youth: Interest, Trust and Ideology

Eurosceptic Youth: Interest, Trust and Ideology

PERU are recruiting 2 Research Associates focused on data management and analysis

The post holder will be based in the Policy Evaluation and Research Unit (PERU) and will work full time on research and evaluation projects that cover criminal justice and wider social policy including welfare, education and housing.

The Economic Inefficiency of Student Fees and Loans

In this report, published by the Intergenerational Foundation, Kevin argues that the benefits of a young person getting a higher education qualification in England accrue in the ratio 58% to the nation and 42% to the graduate.

Research protocol published

Professor Stephen Morris and colleagues at NatCen Social Research and Institute of Education publish a research protocol for the Family SKILLS cluster randomized controlled trial

The PERU Team continues to grow with new recruits in 2016

New members have recently joined the PERU team to support the broadening portfolio of work.

Gavin Bailey to present research on British Jihadis

PERU's Gavin Bailey will be presenting a paper titled ‘Beyond grievance and integration

Scholarships with Policy Evaluation & Research Unit (PERU)

PhD Scholarship Competition 2016

The Manchester College / Novus

A new partnership will lead the way in offender learning, skills and employability.

Wellbeing beyond GDP

Venue: Manchester Metropolitan University | Wed 4 November 2015

Radical Futures

Youth, Politics and Activism in Contemporary Europe

The Current Evidence Base and Future Needs in Improving Children’s Well-Being Across Europe

There has been a growing interest among academics, policy makers and practitioners in the subjective well-being of children and young people (CYP).

MYPLACE Election Special

The UK elections take place on the 7th May.

MYPLACE Election Special

The UK elections take place on the 7th of May.

MYPLACE Final Conference

Venue: Importanne Hotels and Resort Dubrovnik, Croatia. | Thu 5 March 2015 - Sat 7 March 2015

Webinar 2: Process Evaluation

Venue: Webinar. Location: Manchester Metropolitan University | Mon 27 April 2015

How to Run the Country Manual – Election Special Discussion

Venue: Manchester Metropolitan University Business School | Tue 21 April 2015

MYPLACE Final Conference 5th-7th March

The MYPLACE Final Conference started this morning at the Importanne Hotels and Resort, Dubrovnik, Croatia

Webinar 1: Getting Started and Theory of Change

Venue: Webinar. Location Manchester Metropolitan University | Mon 30 March 2015
Contact: Chris Fox Email:

Alcohol Interventions in Prison – Brief Interventions, Screening, Recovery

Venue: Manchester Evening Seminar | Thu 5 February 2015

MYPLACE Thematic Report

Used and Abused: The Problematic Usage of Gang Terminology in the United Kingdom and Its Implication

This paper draws primarily on research undertaken in the north of England.