This is an evaluation of the effectiveness of the SEND Review process on raising attainment in English at GCSE. The evaluation will also measure the effect of the process on pupil wellbeing, attendance and exclusions. The evaluation is funded by the Education Endowment Foundation, and includes a process evaluation and a two-arm cluster randomised controlled trial with random allocation at the school level.
What is the need?
The evaluation seeks to make a contribution to the evidence base about specific SEND interventions in secondary schools.
What are we doing?
Professor Stephen Morris and Professor Cathy Lewin (ESRI ) are co-Principal Investigators for this evaluation. MMU are undertaking a process and impact evaluation, and will measure pupil attainment outcomes in addition to wellbeing, attendance and exclusions. Attainment outcomes will be GCSE English for the whole year group and GCSE maths for pupils designated as SEND.
What are the timescales?
Schools will be recruited and trained by NASEN across 5 regions of England between October 2019 and April 2020. Outcomes will be measured in 2022, with the primary attainment outcome measure based on June 2022 results. The evaluation report will be published in Spring 2023. An additional analysis of GCSE data for a second cohort of students (who will be in Year 9 in September 2020) will also be undertaken, to be published in a separate report in early 2024.
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