Exploring the production and utilisation of the pre-sentence reports in the youth justice system

This project leverages features associated with the geomasking algorithm to estimate the effect of public crime statistics on house prices.

Supporting Girls in Care To Desist From Offending Behaviour

This project leverages features associated with the geomasking algorithm to estimate the effect of public crime statistics on house prices.

The Exploitation of Girls in Care: An Ongoing Struggle for Recognition

This project leverages features associated with the geomasking algorithm to estimate the effect of public crime statistics on house prices.

The ‘Exposed’ Population, Violent Crime in Public Space and the Night-time Economy in Manchester, UK.

This project leverages features associated with the geomasking algorithm to estimate the effect of public crime statistics on house prices.

The Influence of Intra-Daily Activities and Settings upon Weekday Violent Crime in Public Spaces in Manchester, UK. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research.

This project leverages features associated with the geomasking algorithm to estimate the effect of public crime statistics on house prices.

Policing and Mental ill-health: Using Big Data to Assess the Scale and Severity of, and the Frontline Resources Committed to, mental ill-health-related calls-for-service

This project leverages features associated with the geomasking algorithm to estimate the effect of public crime statistics on house prices.

Understanding policing demand and deployment through the lens of the city and with the application of big data.

This project leverages features associated with the geomasking algorithm to estimate the effect of public crime statistics on house prices.

Inequality in exposure to crime, social disorganization and collective efficacy: Evidence from Greater Manchester, United Kingdom.

This project leverages features associated with the geomasking algorithm to estimate the effect of public crime statistics on house prices.

The spatial reordering of poverty and crime: A study of Glasgow and Birmingham (United Kingdom), 2001/2 to 2015/16. Cities, 130, 103874.

The Health Foundation REAL Centre is working with the University of Liverpool to build a dynamic microsimulation model of non-communicable diseases to allow analysis of future demand for healthcare.

Is the policing prioritisation of and response to crime equitable? An examination of frontline policing deployment to incidents of violence-against-the-person.

This project leverages features associated with the geomasking algorithm to estimate the effect of public crime statistics on house prices.

Estimating the effect of crime (maps) on house prices using a natural experiment

This project leverages features associated with the geomasking algorithm to estimate the effect of public crime statistics on house prices.

PERU 2021-2022 Impact Report

PERU 2021-2022 Impact Report

Chance to Change Pilot Evaluation

The scheme to defer the prosecution of low-level offenders has highlighted key benefits, including avoiding criminalisation and associated negative social impact, but has demonstrated challenges, such as addressing racial disparities.

Adverse Childhood Experiences, Intimate Partner Violence, and Mental Well-Being Among Mothers of Toddlers in Tirana, Albania: A Cross-Sectional Mediation Analysis

This article examines the relationship between maternal exposure to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), intimate partner violence (IPV), and two aspects of maternal mental well-being—stress and depressive symptoms in the context of Tirana, Albania.

Care Experience, Ethnicity and Youth Justice Involvement: Key Trends and Policy Implications

This briefing is based on descriptive findings from an ADR UK (Administrative Data Research UK) Research Fellowship project

Predictors of Positive and Negative Parenting Practices Among Mothers of Two-to-Three-Year-Old Children: Findings From Tirana, Albania

The purpose of this article is to determine the predictors of positive and negative parenting practices among mothers of two-to-three-year-old children in Tirana, Albania.

‘We Need to Tackle Their Well Being First’: Understanding and Supporting Care-Experienced Girls in the Youth Justice System

This article presents novel findings from interviews with 17 girls and young women and eight Youth Offending Team (YOT) staff, highlighting how being in care can affect offending behaviour and how YOTs may provide support to care-experienced girls who have been inadequately supported elsewhere.

Confronting intergenerational harm: Care experience, motherhood and criminal justice involvement

This paper explores how criminalisation, care experience and motherhood may intersect to produce multi-faceted structural disadvantage within both systems of care and punishment.

Doing Gig Work – Illustrated Material Published

Publication aims to raise awareness about the platform-based gig economy

A Difficult Balance: Challenges and Possibilities for Local Protocols to Reduce Unnecessary Criminalisation of Children in Care and Care Leavers

This article explores the challenges and possibilities of using local agreements to divert children in care and care leavers away from formal justice systems contact.

TASO ‘Impact Evaluation With Small Cohorts: Methodology Guidance’ published online

We have been working with TASO to develop guidance on evaluation with small cohorts and it is now available on their website. TASO’s focus is widening participation and improving student outcomes in higher education but the guidance can be applied to many areas of social policy evaluation.

Are Social Impact Bonds an Innovation in Finance or Do They Help Finance Social Innovation?

Using data from the Social Finance UK Database and focusing on SIBs in the US and UK, Olson et al. evaluate whether the SIB approach aligns with the theoretical predictions of social innovation.

Public Service Motivation? Rethinking What Motivates Public Actors

Chris O’Leary looks afresh at the reasons for prosocial work choices in the first substantive critique of Public Service Motivation (PSM).

Can a focus on co-created, strengths-based services facilitate early-stage innovation within social impact bonds?

Co-creation and strength-based working as characteristics of social innovation bonds.

Theme: Social Innovation in Public Services – Innovating ‘Co-Creative’ Relationships Between Services, Citizens and Communities?

The authors report and analyse innovative co-creative initiatives involving marginalized and stigmatized groups (prisoners, urban racialized minorities, rural poor populations including Roma).

Book Review: Local Social Innovation to Combat Poverty and Exclusion: A Critical Appraisal

This book review by Sue Baines provides an insight into the value that Oosterlynck, Novy and Kazepov's book brings to the field of social innovation.

New book on Contemporary Inequalities and the Life Course

This book draws upon perspectives from across the globe, employing an interdisciplinary life course approach.

Social Innovation and Co-creation in Smallscale Renewable Energy: an Asset-based Approach

This paper makes a novel contribution by turning an ‘asset’ lens onto social and technical innovation in the context of the small-scale generation of renewable energy.

Co-Creating Rehabilitation: Findings From a Pilot and Implications for Wider Public Service Reform

As part of a large pan-European project on co-creating public services we supported the design of a programme in England that attempted to operationalise research on desistance, through a model of co-created, strengths-based working. We then evaluated its implementation and impact.

‘Good stories get lost in bureaucracy!’

Cultural biases and information for co-production

A New Agenda for Co-Creating Public Services

This paper draws together key findings from CoSIE with a particular focus on what these imply for new policy and practice in public services in the form of a discussion paper aimed at European, national and regional policy-makers.

A Rapid Evidence Assessment of the impact of probation caseloads on reducing recidivism and other probation outcomes

Rapid Evidence Assessment finds a growing body of evidence that lower probation caseloads have a positive impact in terms of reducing reoffending in the USA.

Mentoring: Can you get too much of a ‘good thing’? Proposing enhancements to the ‘effectiveness framework’ of the England and Wales Prison and Probation Service

Using data from the Social Finance UK Database and focusing on SIBs in the US and UK, Olson et al. evaluate whether the SIB approach aligns with the theoretical predictions of social innovation.

A Rapid Evidence Assessment To Assess The Outcomes Of Community And Custody Delivered Vocational Training And Employment Programmes On Reoffending

Rapid Evidence Assessment finds that vocational training and employment programmes were associated with 9 percent fewer programme participants reoffending, when compared with nonparticipants. Studies conducted in the UK were associated with 6 percent fewer programme participants reoffending.

Evaluation of Whole School SEND (WSS) Review: A cluster randomised controlled trial

Protocol for a two-arm parallel cluster Randomised Controlled Trial

Making Sense of Information and Evidence for Co-Creation

A blog for the H2020 project CoSIE, reflecting on ways to navigate tensions between differing views on good information and reliable evidence.

Cycling Societies Innovations, Inequalities and Governance

Emerging debates and questions around cycling

Pandemic, Online Learning and its Impact on Migrant Children in the UK

Migrant communities faced stark social and educational inequalities in the UK even before the lockdown and it is anticipated that the pandemic will have only exacerbated these.

Social Impact Bonds 2.0? Findings from a Study of Four UK SIBs

How Social Impact Bonds can facilitate a move to strengths-based service delivery and help drive innovation in public service delivery

Policy failure or f***up: homelessness and welfare reform in England

Homelessness and welfare reform in England

In-work progression

Response to Department for Work and Pensions call for evidence and good practice on in-work progression.

The Role of Needs Assessment in the Effective Engagement of People with Convictions

This paper argues for “the potential for needs assessment and sentence planning to transcend their core justice functions and set the tone for effective engagement between probation supervisee and supervisor.”

Staying Close Evaluation

Publication Date: Monday 02 November 2020

Where Next for Co-creating Public Services?

Emerging lessons and new questions from CoSIE

Process Evaluation of the Greater Manchester Integrated Police Custody Healthcare and Wider Liaison and Diversion Service

Rapid Evidence Assessment finds a growing body of evidence that lower probation caseloads have a positive impact in terms of reducing reoffending in the USA.

Using Information Science to enhance educational preventing violent extremism programmes

Educational preventing violent extremism (EPVE) programs have had (to date) little if any theoretical underpinning.

Time to reset the clock on the design of impact evaluations in criminology

This paper highlights how qualitative research can enhance causal explanation in impact evaluations and provide additional causal leverage to findings from randomised experiments.

Implementing Innovative Social Investment: Strategic Lessons from Europe

This edited collection brings regional and local realities to the forefront of social investment debates by showcasing successes, challenges and setbacks of Social Investment policies and services from ten European countries.

Commissioning and social determinants: evidence and opportunities

This chapter argues that local authorities can and should use their purchasing power strategically to address the social determinants of health that affect their local area.

The progress of marketisation: the prison and probation experience

Rapid Evidence Assessment finds a growing body of evidence that lower probation caseloads have a positive impact in terms of reducing reoffending in the USA.



Modelling the Economic Impact of a Citizen’s Basic Income in Scotland

A report, co-authored by researchers from the Fraser of Allander Institute, Manchester Metropolitan University and IPPR Scotland, looks at the costs and benefits of implementing a basic income in Scotland and the channels through which it may impact upon the economy.

Evaluation Research – The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Criminology

Evaluation is the application of research methods in order to make judgments about policies, programs, or interventions with the aim of either determining or improving their effectiveness, and/or informing decisions about their future.

Towards a Theoretical Framework for Social Impact Bonds

Governments in some of the world’s richest nations appear to be caught in a double challenge of declining social budgets even as social needs are increasing.

Innovation and the Evidence Base

This report explores the concept of innovation and its application to the delivery of probation services.

Putting the community back into payback

This chapter explores how to put communities back into community payback through the use of co-operatives.

If reoffending is not the only outcome, what are the alternatives?

Probation provision is complex, with a range of providers dealing with diverse service users and performing differing functions.

Enabling change: An assessment tool for adult offenders that operationalises risk needs responsivity and desistance principles

An assessment tool for adult offenders that operationalises risk needs responsivity and desistance principles

Securing High-quality Data on Populations

Why we need EuroCohort, GGP and SHARE in Europe

Procurement and commissioning in the non-profit sector

Procurement and commissioning in the non-profit sector

Transforming Research and Policy

A Handbook to Connect Research with Policy Making

Co-creation of Public Service Innovation

Drawing together ideas about co-creation, social innovation, social investment and individual and collective values that underpin the CoSIE project.

Functional Skills in Prison (Randomised Controlled Trial) – A Pilot Study

This programme of work aims to improve understanding of ‘best’ practice in functional skills education in England and Wales.

Functional Skills in Prison: The Case For a Randomised Controlled Trial

Technical Report and Executive Summary

A Rapid Evidence Assessment of the impact of probation caseloads on reducing recidivism and other probation outcomes

Rapid Evidence Assessment finds a growing body of evidence that lower probation caseloads have a positive impact in terms of reducing reoffending in the USA.

Using Digital Technology to Improve Learning

EEF guidance report is designed to support senior leaders and teachers to make better-informed decisions based on the best available evidence we currently have.

A Rapid Evidence Assessment on the effectiveness of remote supervision and new technologies in managing probation service users

Examining the effectiveness of remote supervision approaches and emerging new technologies to manage probation service users and assist with their desistance from further offending.

Implementing Innovative Social Investment

Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence. The turn towards a Social Investment approach to welfare implies deploying resources to enhance human capital and mobilise the productive potential of citizens, starting in early childhood.

Evaluating outcome-based payment programmes: challenges for evidence-based policy

We review the state of evaluation within outcome-based commissioning in the United Kingdom.

Social Impact Bonds: More Than One Approach

A look at how social impact bonds differ between projects and geographies, and how those differences impact practical implementation.

Research protocol: Evaluating the impact of Eedi formative assessment online platform (formerly Diagnostic Questions or DQ) on attainment in mathematics at GCSE and teacher workload

This paper describes a cluster randomised controlled trial designed to test the efficacy of Eedi, a formative question setting and diagnostic digital platform, on attainment in mathematics at GCSE as well as its impact on teacher workload.

Homelessness and the Private Rented Sector

Homelessness has a devastating effect on those who experience it and is costly to the public purse.

Innovation and Social Investment Programs in Europe

There is a lack of empirical research around sub‐national Social Investment programs, and a lack of connectivity with social innovation.

Whole System Approach for Women Offenders – Final Evaluation Report

The evaluation has found that the WSA provides a good example of a gendered approach to supporting women in contact with the criminal justice system or at risk of offending and has been successful in responding to a number of its key aims.

The Evaluation Market and Its Industry in England

This chapter presents an analysis of the evaluation market in England.

How Could Brexit Affect Poverty in the UK?

This briefing analyses Brexit’s potential impact on families in poverty, along with other forces that could help or hinder efforts to solve UK poverty.

A Realist Model of Prison Education, Growth, and Desistance: A New Theory

This paper articulates the first ‘general theory’ of prison education, offering a new insight into the relevance of desistance theory and understanding of prison sociology to the lives of men engaged in education whilst in prison.

Measuring Youth Well-being: How a Pan-European Longitudinal Survey can improve Policy

This volume presents key findings from the EU funded Measuring Youth Well-being (MYWeB) project which assessed the feasibility of a European Longitudinal Study for Children and Young People (ELSCYP).

Co-Creation and Co-Production in the United Kingdom – A Rapid Evidence Assessment – March 2018

This Rapid Evidence Assessment sought to arrive at an updated synthesis of the co-creation and co-production evidence base in the United Kingdom.

Payment by results and social impact bonds

Outcome-based payment systems in the UK and US

Research Protocol: A cluster randomised controlled trial to evaluate the Family SKILLS programme

The Family SKILLS programme for reception year students from families in which English is an additional language

T2A Final Process Evaluation Report

The T2A Pathway initiative, 6 projects led by charities in partnership with statutory services, delivered services to 16-25 year olds across sites in England between 2014-2017.

Piloting different approaches to personalised offender management in the English CJS

Various approaches to personalisation are well-established in the UK social care sector and are now starting to ‘travel’ to other sectors.

Grandmentors Review: Final Report

Grandmentors Review: Final Report

Understanding Youth Participation Across Europe

From Survey to Ethnography - presents findings from a major cross-European research project mapping the civic and political engagement of young Europeans in the context of both shared and diverse political heritages.

Eurosceptic Youth: Interest, Trust and Ideology

Eurosceptic Youth: Interest, Trust and Ideology

Socrates & Aristotle: The Role of Ancient Philosophers in the Self-Understanding of Desisting Prisoners

The Role of Ancient Philosophers in the Self-Understanding of Desisting Prisoners

Study of Early Education and Development (SEED)

Impact Study on Early Education Use and Child Outcomes up to Age Three

The Economic Inefficiency of Student Fees and Loans

In this report, published by the Intergenerational Foundation, Kevin argues that the benefits of a young person getting a higher education qualification in England accrue in the ratio 58% to the nation and 42% to the graduate.

English and Welsh experience of marketisation

Payment by results and justice devolution in the probation sector

A Rapid Evidence Assessment of the effectiveness of prison education

A Rapid Evidence Assessment of the effectiveness of prison education in reducing recidivism and increasing employment

The ethical challenges of evidence-based policy research

In Research Ethics in Criminology: Dilemmas, Issues and Solutions (Edited by Cowburn, Gelsthorpe and Wahidin)

Operationalising desistance through personalisation

This article reports on the early stages of a project to develop a model of offender rehabilitation that operationalises the concept of desistance.

An Introduction to Evaluation

This book covers all the essentials of evaluation:

Research protocol published

Professor Stephen Morris and colleagues at NatCen Social Research and Institute of Education publish a research protocol for the Family SKILLS cluster randomized controlled trial

‘Personalisation’: Is social innovation possible under Transforming Rehabilitation?

When the Coalition government’s ‘rehabilitation revolution’ was first articulated, innovation was an important theme, encompassing innovation by frontline staff, by organisations working within a mixed economy and even social entrepreneurs.

Predictable Policing: Measuring the Crime Control Benefits of Hotspots Policing at Bus Stops

A fairly robust body of evidence suggests that hotspots policing is an effective crime prevention strategy.

The 2010-2015 Coalition and Criminal Justice: Continuities and Contradictions

The criminal justice system (CJS) in England and Wales went through extensive reform under the Coalition Government of 2010-2015.

Joining Forces in Facing European Challenges: The CARPE Consortium on Applied Research and Profess

In Global Perspectives on Strategic International Partnerships: A Guide to Building Sustainable Academic Linkages

Globalisation and sticky prices: ‘con’ or conundrum

With reference to a case study which illustrates the existence of segmented markets and international price discrimination, this paper develops a theoretical model of comparative advantage in which domestic prices may be sticky.

Evaluation of the Whole System Approach for Women Offenders Executive Summary Dec 2015

Although women remain a minority group in the criminal justice system (CJS), there is increasing recognition amongst policy makers of the importance of understanding the needs of female offenders in order to better target resources and provide support that is responsive to these needs.

Personalisation: operationalizing ‘desistance’ and commissioning for justice reinvestment

Slides from Clinks 'Just and Affordable Rehabilitation' Conference, London, 1st December 2015

Radical Futures

Youth, Politics and Activism in Contemporary Europe

The Current Evidence Base and Future Needs in Improving Children’s Well-Being Across Europe

There has been a growing interest among academics, policy makers and practitioners in the subjective well-being of children and young people (CYP).

MYPLACE Election Special

The UK elections take place on the 7th May.

Knowledge Mobilisation and the Social Sciences

The essays presented in this volume examine knowledge mobilisation and its relation to research impact and engagement.

The Impact of Weather and Climate on Tourist Demand: The case of Chester Zoo

Warmer, drier summer weather brought by global climate change should encourage use of outdoor leisure facilities.

Markets, privatisation and law and order – some economic considerations

Kevin Albertson discusses the difficulty of aligning private incentives with the public good

How to Run the Country Manual

The step-by-step guide to running Great Britain

The role of social innovation in criminal justice reform and the risk posed by proposed reforms

The UK government has called for a rehabilitation revolution in England and Wales and put its faith in market testing.

MYPLACE Thematic Report

Pay Progression: Understanding the Barriers for the Lowest Paid

This report, produced in a collaboration between the CIPD and John Lewis Partnership, aims to uncover the experiences of employees on the lowest rates of pay and understand the contributing factors for an individual becoming ‘stuck’ on low pay.

Wealth of Our Nation: Rethinking Policies for Wealth Distribution

This paper explores the implications for public policy from the new Office of National Statistics (ONS) data source on wealth distribution in Britain, and what we know about future trends in savings, longevity, property prices and inheritance.

ICCJ Monograph No 9: Justice, with Reason: Rethinking the Economics of Crime and Justice

Economic ideas and concepts have always influenced thinking about crime and criminal justice. Increasingly, however, criminologists, policy-makers and practitioners who draw on, or seek to critique, economic ideas take a rather narrow view of economics based on the prevailing orthodoxy: neo-liberalism. Neo-liberalism, vulgarly conceived, assumes society is comprised of self-serving, instrumentally rational actors.

PERU Briefing 14/02: Social Innovation in the Criminal Justice System

In this briefing we highlight the importance of social innovation in the criminal justice system and ask whether reforms to the criminal justice system taking place as part of the Transforming Rehabilitation policy shift will encourage or deter social innovation in the future.

Personalisation in the criminal justice system: what is the potential?

The criminal justice sector has never achieved rates of re-offending with which the public and policy makers are satisfied.

Justice Reinvestment in an “Age of Austerity”: Developments in the United Kingdom

In the UK, national and local governments are struggling to cope with the economic crisis which ensued in 2008.

‘London Reducing Reoffending Programme’ Evaluation: Executive Summary

The ‘London Reducing Reoffending Programme’ (LRRP) was an innovative Payment by Results (PbR) programme that aimed to reduce youth reoffending in London.

London Reducing Reoffending Programme’ Evaluation

The ‘London Reducing Reoffending Programme’ (LRRP) was an innovative Payment by Results (PbR) programme that aimed to reduce youth reoffending in London.

Social innovation, an answer to contemporary societal challenges?

Social innovation discourses see in social challenges opportunities to make societies more sustainable and cohesive through inclusive practices, coproduction and pro-active grassroots initiatives.

Evaluation of the Intensive Alternatives to Custody pilots

This summary presents the main findings from a range of research, conducted by Sheffield Hallam University and the Greater Manchester Probation Trust, exploring the learning from the Intensive Alternatives to Custody (IAC) pilots.

PERU Briefing 13/01 : Justice Reinvestment Thinking outside the cell

In Crime and Punishment in America, Currie notes that, short of major wars, mass imprisonment has been the most thoroughly implemented USA government social programme of recent times.

Could Personalisation Reduce Reoffending?

Rising prison numbers and high rates of re-offending illustrate the need for criminal justice reform.

Analytical Chemistry

Using Isotopic Fractionation to Link Precursor to Product in the Synthesis of (±)-Mephedrone: A New Tool for Combating "Legal High" Drugs

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis

Synthesis, full chemical characterisation and development of validated methods for the quantification of (±)-4'-methylmethcathinone (mephedrone): a new "legal high”

Justice Reinvestment: Can it Deliver More for Less?

Recent years have seen high levels of public spending on criminal justice but to relatively little effect

Using social media as a means of improving public confidence

The ‘confidence agenda’ poses important new challenges for Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships in general and the police in particular.

Used and Abused: The Problematic Usage of Gang Terminology in the United Kingdom and Its Implication

This paper draws primarily on research undertaken in the north of England.

Crime and Economics: An Introduction

Crime and Economics provides the first comprehensive and accessible text to address the economics of crime within the study of crime and criminology.

Estimating the costs and benefits of an alcohol treatment requirement

Purpose – This paper seeks to report on a project to estimate the costs and benefits of implementing an Alcohol Treatment Requirement (ATR) in Stockport.

Community Legal Advice Centres and Networks: A Process Evaluation

This report sets out the findings of the process evaluation of Community Legal Advice Centres and Networks commissioned by the Legal Services Research Centre (LSRC).

The role of stable accommodation in reducing recidivism: what does the evidence tell us?

Co-creation and strength-based working as characteristics of social innovation bonds.