This book covers all the essentials of evaluation:
Chris Fox, Robert Grimm, Rute Caldeira
This book covers all the essentials of evaluation:
- What is evaluation?
- Ethics
- Evaluation approaches and methods including: Theories of Change, Implementation Evaluation, Impact Evaluation and Economic Evaluation
- Designing and planning an evaluation
- Conducting an evaluation
- Systematic Review
- Getting evaluation evidence into policy and practice
- The philosophy of evaluation
It has been written with two main audiences in mind. The first group is students, in particular postgraduates doing taught courses in research methods and both undergraduates and postgraduates planning research projects, perhaps for a final year dissertation or a PhD. The second group is people working in governmental or non-governmental organisations who are planning to either do an evaluation or to commission an evaluation.
Publication link
Fox, C., Grimm, R. and Caldeira, R. (2016) An Introduction to Evaluation: London: Sage Publishing

Publication Date:
Tuesday 01 November 2016
Sage Publishing
PERU Outputs
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