Universal Credit, Good Work and Progression
This project leverages features associated with the geomasking algorithm to estimate the effect of public crime statistics on house prices.
16 October 2024
The ‘Exposed’ Population, Violent Crime in Public Space and the Night-time Economy in Manchester, UK.
This project leverages features associated with the geomasking algorithm to estimate the effect of public crime statistics on house prices.
22 June 2024
The Influence of Intra-Daily Activities and Settings upon Weekday Violent Crime in Public Spaces in Manchester, UK. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research.
This project leverages features associated with the geomasking algorithm to estimate the effect of public crime statistics on house prices.
22 June 2024
Policing and Mental ill-health: Using Big Data to Assess the Scale and Severity of, and the Frontline Resources Committed to, mental ill-health-related calls-for-service
This project leverages features associated with the geomasking algorithm to estimate the effect of public crime statistics on house prices.
22 June 2024
Understanding policing demand and deployment through the lens of the city and with the application of big data.
This project leverages features associated with the geomasking algorithm to estimate the effect of public crime statistics on house prices.
22 June 2024
Inequality in exposure to crime, social disorganization and collective efficacy: Evidence from Greater Manchester, United Kingdom.
This project leverages features associated with the geomasking algorithm to estimate the effect of public crime statistics on house prices.
22 June 2024
The spatial reordering of poverty and crime: A study of Glasgow and Birmingham (United Kingdom), 2001/2 to 2015/16. Cities, 130, 103874.
The Health Foundation REAL Centre is working with the University of Liverpool to build a dynamic microsimulation model of non-communicable diseases to allow analysis of future demand for healthcare.
22 June 2024
Is the policing prioritisation of and response to crime equitable? An examination of frontline policing deployment to incidents of violence-against-the-person.
This project leverages features associated with the geomasking algorithm to estimate the effect of public crime statistics on house prices.
22 June 2024
Estimating the effect of crime (maps) on house prices using a natural experiment
This project leverages features associated with the geomasking algorithm to estimate the effect of public crime statistics on house prices.
28 March 2024
Estimating the effect of crime (maps) on house prices using a natural experiment
Dr. Monsuru Adepeju (PERU) worked alongside Dr. Meng Le Zhang of University of Sheffield to investigate the impact of public crime information on house prices in England and Wales, leveraging the geomasking in online crime maps as a natural experiment.
28 March 2024
Meeting Scotland’s child poverty reduction targets
This project looks at the relative effectiveness of childcare, employability programmes and social security levers in achieving the child poverty reduction targets
20 February 2024
Housing costs and child poverty
This project utilise the IPPR tax-benefit model to model the effects, at a household level, of changes to housing policy, accounting for the complexities in the benefit system.
20 February 2024
Exploring the frontiers of microsimulation
Tax-benefit microsimulation modelling is a well-established technique used in many countries around the world for estimating the fiscal, distributional and poverty effects of policy change in the tax and benefit system
20 February 2024
Providing advice on building a dynamic microsimulation modelling for non-communicable diseases
The Health Foundation REAL Centre is working with the University of Liverpool to build a dynamic microsimulation model of non-communicable diseases to allow analysis of future demand for healthcare.
20 February 2024
Assessing the impact on poverty of changes to the Local Housing Allowance
This will provide the first definitive view of the impact that the changes to the Local Housing Allowance over the past decade have had on poverty
20 February 2024
Work incentives in the tax and benefit system
This project will identify where, and why, work incentives remain poor for so many people by conducting a comprehensive study of work incentives throughout the tax and benefit system
20 February 2024
Doing Gig Work – Illustrated Material Published
Publication aims to raise awareness about the platform-based gig economy
7 June 2023
Are Social Impact Bonds an Innovation in Finance or Do They Help Finance Social Innovation?
Using data from the Social Finance UK Database and focusing on SIBs in the US and UK, Olson et al. evaluate whether the SIB approach aligns with the theoretical predictions of social innovation.
7 July 2022
Public Service Motivation? Rethinking What Motivates Public Actors
Chris O’Leary looks afresh at the reasons for prosocial work choices in the first substantive critique of Public Service Motivation (PSM).
30 June 2022
Can a focus on co-created, strengths-based services facilitate early-stage innovation within social impact bonds?
Co-creation and strength-based working as characteristics of social innovation bonds.
6 June 2022
Theme: Social Innovation in Public Services – Innovating ‘Co-Creative’ Relationships Between Services, Citizens and Communities?
The authors report and analyse innovative co-creative initiatives involving marginalized and stigmatized groups (prisoners, urban racialized minorities, rural poor populations including Roma).
10 May 2022
Book Review: Local Social Innovation to Combat Poverty and Exclusion: A Critical Appraisal
This book review by Sue Baines provides an insight into the value that Oosterlynck, Novy and Kazepov's book brings to the field of social innovation.
7 May 2022
New book on Contemporary Inequalities and the Life Course
This book draws upon perspectives from across the globe, employing an interdisciplinary life course approach.
30 March 2022
Social Innovation and Co-creation in Smallscale Renewable Energy: an Asset-based Approach
This paper makes a novel contribution by turning an ‘asset’ lens onto social and technical innovation in the context of the small-scale generation of renewable energy.
30 December 2021
Co-Creating Rehabilitation: Findings From a Pilot and Implications for Wider Public Service Reform
As part of a large pan-European project on co-creating public services we supported the design of a programme in England that attempted to operationalise research on desistance, through a model of co-created, strengths-based working. We then evaluated its implementation and impact.
28 December 2021
‘Good stories get lost in bureaucracy!’
Cultural biases and information for co-production
3 November 2021
A New Agenda for Co-Creating Public Services
This paper draws together key findings from CoSIE with a particular focus on what these imply for new policy and practice in public services in the form of a discussion paper aimed at European, national and regional policy-makers.
5 October 2021
Social Impact Bonds 2.0: exploring the future of SIBs
To achieve their potential SIBs must be re-configured to become a catalyst for innovation, driving public sector reform and addressing new social and economic needs in the post-Covid world.
4 May 2021
Making Sense of Information and Evidence for Co-Creation
A blog for the H2020 project CoSIE, reflecting on ways to navigate tensions between differing views on good information and reliable evidence.
22 March 2021
Cycling Societies Innovations, Inequalities and Governance
Emerging debates and questions around cycling
18 March 2021
Social Impact Bonds 2.0? Findings from a Study of Four UK SIBs
How Social Impact Bonds can facilitate a move to strengths-based service delivery and help drive innovation in public service delivery
13 December 2020
Where Next for Co-creating Public Services?
Emerging lessons and new questions from CoSIE
5 October 2020
Implementing Innovative Social Investment: Strategic Lessons from Europe
This edited collection brings regional and local realities to the forefront of social investment debates by showcasing successes, challenges and setbacks of Social Investment policies and services from ten European countries.
15 July 2020
Commissioning and social determinants: evidence and opportunities
This chapter argues that local authorities can and should use their purchasing power strategically to address the social determinants of health that affect their local area.
8 July 2020
The progress of marketisation: the prison and probation experience
Rapid Evidence Assessment finds a growing body of evidence that lower probation caseloads have a positive impact in terms of reducing reoffending in the USA.
3 July 2020
Modelling the Economic Impact of a Citizen’s Basic Income in Scotland
A report, co-authored by researchers from the Fraser of Allander Institute, Manchester Metropolitan University and IPPR Scotland, looks at the costs and benefits of implementing a basic income in Scotland and the channels through which it may impact upon the economy.
11 June 2020
Towards a Theoretical Framework for Social Impact Bonds
Governments in some of the world’s richest nations appear to be caught in a double challenge of declining social budgets even as social needs are increasing.
14 February 2020
Innovation and the Evidence Base
This report explores the concept of innovation and its application to the delivery of probation services.
10 January 2020
Putting the community back into payback
This chapter explores how to put communities back into community payback through the use of co-operatives.
6 November 2019
Procurement and commissioning in the non-profit sector
Procurement and commissioning in the non-profit sector
4 October 2019
Modelling the effects of the tax and benefit system
PERU maintains and develops the Institute of Public Policy Research (IPPR) Tax-Benefit Model, which is a tax-benefit microsimulation model used by the IPPR, Resolution Foundation, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, New Economics Foundation, and Legatum Institute.
23 September 2019
Co-creation of Public Service Innovation
Drawing together ideas about co-creation, social innovation, social investment and individual and collective values that underpin the CoSIE project.
20 June 2019
Modelling the economic impacts of a Citizen’s Basic Income in Scotland
The aim of this project was to estimate the economic impacts if a Citizen’s Basic Income were implemented throughout Scotland.
6 June 2019
Implementing Innovative Social Investment
Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence. The turn towards a Social Investment approach to welfare implies deploying resources to enhance human capital and mobilise the productive potential of citizens, starting in early childhood.
12 March 2019
Social Impact Bonds: More Than One Approach
A look at how social impact bonds differ between projects and geographies, and how those differences impact practical implementation.
8 January 2019
Innovation and Social Investment Programs in Europe
There is a lack of empirical research around sub‐national Social Investment programs, and a lack of connectivity with social innovation.
19 October 2018
How Could Brexit Affect Poverty in the UK?
This briefing analyses Brexit’s potential impact on families in poverty, along with other forces that could help or hinder efforts to solve UK poverty.
6 September 2018
Payment by results and social impact bonds
Outcome-based payment systems in the UK and US
26 April 2018
The Economic Inefficiency of Student Fees and Loans
In this report, published by the Intergenerational Foundation, Kevin argues that the benefits of a young person getting a higher education qualification in England accrue in the ratio 58% to the nation and 42% to the graduate.
3 May 2017
Globalisation and sticky prices: ‘con’ or conundrum
With reference to a case study which illustrates the existence of segmented markets and international price discrimination, this paper develops a theoretical model of comparative advantage in which domestic prices may be sticky.
23 February 2016
The Impact of Weather and Climate on Tourist Demand: The case of Chester Zoo
Warmer, drier summer weather brought by global climate change should encourage use of outdoor leisure facilities.
16 April 2015
Markets, privatisation and law and order – some economic considerations
Kevin Albertson discusses the difficulty of aligning private incentives with the public good
16 April 2015
The role of social innovation in criminal justice reform and the risk posed by proposed reforms
The UK government has called for a rehabilitation revolution in England and Wales and put its faith in market testing.
12 February 2015
Wealth of Our Nation: Rethinking Policies for Wealth Distribution
This paper explores the implications for public policy from the new Office of National Statistics (ONS) data source on wealth distribution in Britain, and what we know about future trends in savings, longevity, property prices and inheritance.
1 October 2014
ICCJ Monograph No 9: Justice, with Reason: Rethinking the Economics of Crime and Justice
Economic ideas and concepts have always influenced thinking about crime and criminal justice. Increasingly, however, criminologists, policy-makers and practitioners who draw on, or seek to critique, economic ideas take a rather narrow view of economics based on the prevailing orthodoxy: neo-liberalism. Neo-liberalism, vulgarly conceived, assumes society is comprised of self-serving, instrumentally rational actors.
1 August 2014
PERU Briefing 14/02: Social Innovation in the Criminal Justice System
In this briefing we highlight the importance of social innovation in the criminal justice system and ask whether reforms to the criminal justice system taking place as part of the Transforming Rehabilitation policy shift will encourage or deter social innovation in the future.
10 July 2014
Personalisation in the criminal justice system: what is the potential?
The criminal justice sector has never achieved rates of re-offending with which the public and policy makers are satisfied.
24 March 2014
Justice Reinvestment in an “Age of Austerity”: Developments in the United Kingdom
In the UK, national and local governments are struggling to cope with the economic crisis which ensued in 2008.
30 January 2014
PERU Briefing 13/01 : Justice Reinvestment Thinking outside the cell
In Crime and Punishment in America, Currie notes that, short of major wars, mass imprisonment has been the most thoroughly implemented USA government social programme of recent times.
9 September 2013
Could Personalisation Reduce Reoffending?
Rising prison numbers and high rates of re-offending illustrate the need for criminal justice reform.
22 August 2013
Justice Reinvestment: Can it Deliver More for Less?
Recent years have seen high levels of public spending on criminal justice but to relatively little effect
15 May 2013
Crime and Economics: An Introduction
Crime and Economics provides the first comprehensive and accessible text to address the economics of crime within the study of crime and criminology.
12 March 2013
Estimating the costs and benefits of an alcohol treatment requirement
Purpose – This paper seeks to report on a project to estimate the costs and benefits of implementing an Alcohol Treatment Requirement (ATR) in Stockport.
12 March 2013
Supporting Wigan Payment by Results (PbR) Substance Misuse pilot
PERU worked with Wigan Drug and Alcohol Action Team (DAAT) between July 2011 and March 2012 to support the development of a tariff system for the Wigan PbR model.
15 January 2013
The costs and benefits of engaging volunteers from under-represented groups
Gaining a greater understanding of the costs and benefits of engaging volunteers from under-represented groups in the work of voluntary sector organisations through a survey and face-to-face interviews.
1 September 2010
An economic review of domestic violence services in Cheshire
PERU undertook a short review of the evidence on the impact of domestic violence services, collected data on the economic cost of delivering the particular service under review and calculated the break-even point for the service to be cost effective.
1 February 2009
An economic appraisal of the long-term costs and benefits of Young Carers services
Assessing the economic cost of delivering services to young carers and the potential benefits that might accrue to the tax payer and wider society from successful interventions.
1 February 2008