Measuring Youth Well-being: How a Pan-European Longitudinal Survey can improve Policy
This volume presents key findings from the EU funded Measuring Youth Well-being (MYWeB) project which assessed the feasibility of a European Longitudinal Study for Children and Young People (ELSCYP).
17 May 2018
Prison Learning Alliance Conference coming to Manchester Metropolitan University in September 2018
PERU is delighted to announce that the Prison Learning Alliance conference is coming to Manchester Metropolitan University in the Autumn.
17 May 2018
PERU’s Rachel Kinsella speaks on evaluation at Clinks Networking Forum
PERU’s Rachel Kinsella spoke at the Clinks Networking Forum:
14 May 2018
Events and seminars to mark launch of new book on Social Impact Bonds and Payment by Results
To mark the launch of their book on Payment by Results and Social Impact Bonds: Outcome-based Payment Systems in the UK and US the authors are taking part in a number of events and seminars in the UK and Europe.
5 May 2018
Co-Creation and Co-Production in the United Kingdom – A Rapid Evidence Assessment – March 2018
This Rapid Evidence Assessment sought to arrive at an updated synthesis of the co-creation and co-production evidence base in the United Kingdom.
4 May 2018