A blog for the H2020 project CoSIE, reflecting on ways to navigate tensions between differing views on good information and reliable evidence.


Sue Baines


This is a blog for the H2020 project CoSIE. Within (as well as beyond) the consortium, notions of what constitutes good information and reliable evidence are not fully shared, and can even be in conflict. The blog reflects on ways to think about and try to navigate these tensions. It argues that while lived experience and authentic stories align powerfully with co-creation, its advocates should not shun other forms of evidence.

Publication link


Full reference

Baines, S. (2021) Making sense of information and evidence for co-creation. [Online] https://cosie.turkuamk.fi/general/making-sense-of-information-and-evidence-for-co-creation/.

Linked Project

Co-creation of Service Innovations in Europe (CoSIE)