A Rapid Evidence Assessment of the impact of probation caseloads on reducing recidivism and other probation outcomes
Rapid Evidence Assessment finds a growing body of evidence that lower probation caseloads have a positive impact in terms of reducing reoffending in the USA.
26 July 2021
Philosophy behind bars: Growth and development in prison
A ground-breaking study about how teaching philosophy in prisons helped long-term prisoners build positive relationships, trust and explore what it means to live a good life
7 July 2021
Mentoring: Can you get too much of a ‘good thing’? Proposing enhancements to the ‘effectiveness framework’ of the England and Wales Prison and Probation Service
Using data from the Social Finance UK Database and focusing on SIBs in the US and UK, Olson et al. evaluate whether the SIB approach aligns with the theoretical predictions of social innovation.
3 July 2021
Project co-led by PERU is one of 11 new European Research Infrastructures
Growing Up In Digital Europe (GUIDE), which is co-led by PERU has been included in the latest revision of the ESFRI (European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures) 2021 Roadmap
1 July 2021