Evaluation of Whole School SEND (WSS) Review: A cluster randomised controlled trial
Protocol for a two-arm parallel cluster Randomised Controlled Trial
31 March 2021
Making a restorative criminal justice system a reality
Venue: On-line
Wednesday 28th April 13.00 to 16.30
31 March 2021
Needs assessment: risk, desistance and engagement
PERU's Kevin Wong co-authors a new Academic Insights paper for Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Probation
26 March 2021
Making Sense of Information and Evidence for Co-Creation
A blog for the H2020 project CoSIE, reflecting on ways to navigate tensions between differing views on good information and reliable evidence.
22 March 2021
High probation caseloads jeopardise the quality of delivery and practitioner’s wellbeing
PERU contributes to a report showing that the quality of probation delivery falls when practitioners are responsible for managing more than 50 cases.
19 March 2021
Needs assessment and effective engagement
PERU researcher argues that needs assessment and sentence planning should transcend their core justice functions and set the tone for effective engagement between people supervised by probation and their supervisors
19 March 2021
Cycling Societies Innovations, Inequalities and Governance
Emerging debates and questions around cycling
18 March 2021
A realist review of interventions used to prevent and reduce the use of restrictive practices on adults with learning disabilities in NHS and independent sector settings (LEARN)
In partnership with the Ministry of Justice and the Barrow Cadbury Trust, PERU researchers are undertaking a qualitative study on the views and experiences of participants in the Chance to Change pilots.
17 March 2021
The Big Life Group – Multi Modal Practitioner (MMP) evaluation
In partnership with the Ministry of Justice and the Barrow Cadbury Trust, PERU researchers are undertaking a qualitative study on the views and experiences of participants in the Chance to Change pilots.
17 March 2021
Pandemic, Online Learning and its Impact on Migrant Children in the UK
Migrant communities faced stark social and educational inequalities in the UK even before the lockdown and it is anticipated that the pandemic will have only exacerbated these.
17 March 2021