International webinar with Indonesia
his morning PERU is hosting the second international Webinar with from the Centre for Digital Society (CFDS) at the University of Gadjah Mada.
21 February 2020
Chance to change pilots qualitative study
In partnership with the Ministry of Justice and the Barrow Cadbury Trust, PERU researchers are undertaking a qualitative study on the views and experiences of participants in the Chance to Change pilots.
19 February 2020
The Manchester CRIME and JUSTICE Film Festival 2020
This year’s festival, orgainsed by Kevin Wong and Gavin Bailey of PERU and Lucy Simpson from RAH! starts on the 18th March with a screening of i Believe in You introduced by Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Probation, Justin Russell.
19 February 2020
Towards a Theoretical Framework for Social Impact Bonds
Governments in some of the world’s richest nations appear to be caught in a double challenge of declining social budgets even as social needs are increasing.
14 February 2020
Working towards social inclusion: Supporting offenders and marginalised groups into sustainable employment
Venue: Geoffrey Manton Building, Manchester Metropolitan University
Tue 11 February 2020
11 February 2020
Sharing our research with Indonesia
PERU staff are reaching out to our colleagues in Indonesia. Last week PERU’s Stephen Morris presented by live webinar to students and staff at the University of Indonesia.
10 February 2020
Crime and Justice Networking and Learning Fair
The Policy Evaluation and Research Unit and Criminal Justice Alliance are holding a Crime and Justice Networking and Learning Fair on Wednesday 18th March at Manchester Metropolitan University.
10 February 2020
More than a tick-box? the role of training in improving police responses to hate crime
Stevie-Jade Hardy, Neil Chakraborti and Ilda Cuko identify how police training can be improved to address the under-reporting and inconsistent recording of hate crime
7 February 2020
Youth Endowment Fund Evaluations
We are evaluating projects funded by the Youth Endowment Fund aimed at preventing young people from being involved in crime and violence.
6 February 2020