Kirstine Szifris appointed vice-Chair of Prisoner Learning Academic Network

Kirstine Szifris has been appointed the vice-Chair of Prisoner Learning Academic Network (PLAN).

Co-creation of Public Service Innovation

Drawing together ideas about co-creation, social innovation, social investment and individual and collective values that underpin the CoSIE project.

Functional Skills in Prison (Randomised Controlled Trial) – A Pilot Study

This programme of work aims to improve understanding of ‘best’ practice in functional skills education in England and Wales.

Functional Skills in Prison: The Case For a Randomised Controlled Trial

Technical Report and Executive Summary

Modelling the economic impacts of a Citizen’s Basic Income in Scotland

The aim of this project was to estimate the economic impacts if a Citizen’s Basic Income were implemented throughout Scotland.

New partnership with the University of Southern California

We are pleased to announce a new international partnership on social impact investing between Manchester Metropolitan University and the University of Southern California.