Payment by results and social impact bonds
Outcome-based payment systems in the UK and US
26 April 2018
Payment by Results and Social Impact Bonds in the UK and the US
New Book Documents What We Know About Innovative Financing Models
24 April 2018
The Family Skills Evaluation
The Family Skills Evaluation is funded by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) and carried out by NatCen Social Research. This study will test the impact of a family literacy programme.
20 April 2018
Increasing the use of Community Sentence Treatment Requirements
Venue: Manchester Metropolitan University
Thu 26 April 2018
20 April 2018
Research Protocol: A cluster randomised controlled trial to evaluate the Family SKILLS programme
The Family SKILLS programme for reception year students from families in which English is an additional language
20 April 2018
The Study of Early Education and Development (SEED) in England
This is a multi-cohort, multi-wave study of pre-school children and their parents in England. The study is in part designed to test whether making funded early childhood education and care (ECEC) available to low and moderate income families raises their use of preschool care.
18 April 2018
Women of the World (WOW) Festival
PERU Research Associate Kim Heyes will be talking about how to support victims and perpetrators of domestic abuse at the Women of the World (WOW) Festival in Chester
17 April 2018
Philosophy in prisons
Dr Kirstine Szifris of PERU today presented the findings from her PhD work at the British Sociological Association conference at Northumbria University.
12 April 2018
T2A Final Process Evaluation Report
The T2A Pathway initiative, 6 projects led by charities in partnership with statutory services, delivered services to 16-25 year olds across sites in England between 2014-2017.
11 April 2018
Young adult courts
A new report published yesterday is advocating a distinct approach to the way that young adults are treated at court.
11 April 2018