Free places available on our seminar on ‘Innovative Social Investment: Reforming public services’

We have a small number of free places to attend our seminar on public service reform on the afternoon of 22nd June and the morning of the 23rd June 2017. The seminar examines two aspects of public service reform: first, innovative approaches to financing and resourcing public services; and secondly, the concept of personalisation and its role in public service reform. The seminar includes speakers from the UK and Europe.

For more details about the seminar and a link to register for a free place click here.

Manchester as Cosmopolis: Global Migration in a Changing UK

Kevin Albertson spoke at this one-day event on the theme “Globalisation, Nationalism and Devolution”.

Crest Advisory Report into Community sentences: where did it all go wrong?

Community sentences: where did it all go wrong?

The Economic Inefficiency of Student Fees and Loans

In this report, published by the Intergenerational Foundation, Kevin argues that the benefits of a young person getting a higher education qualification in England accrue in the ratio 58% to the nation and 42% to the graduate.

English and Welsh experience of marketisation

Payment by results and justice devolution in the probation sector