This chapter presents an analysis of the evaluation market in England.


Phil Davies, Stephen Morris, Chris Fox


This chapter presents an analysis of the evaluation market in England. It examines the context within which evaluation takes place and the structure and dynamics of the evaluation marketplace. It charts the growth and retrenchment of demand for evaluation in England over the past 20 years or so, the diversity of commissioning arrangements, and the types of evaluation undertaken. The structure and dynamics of the supply side of the evaluation market in England over the past two decades are also considered. Specifically, these include the barriers to entry into the market, skill and expertise levels, training, professional regulation, and quality of outputs. The development of mergers, consortia, partnerships, and emergence of small‐scale evaluation companies are identified as significant trends on the supply side.

Publication link

Davies, P., Morris, S. and Fox, C. (2018) The Evaluation Market and Its Industry in England, New Directions for Evaluation, Issue 160 pp.29-43