Staff Profile

+44 (0)161 000 0000
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PERU office / 313 Geoffrey Manton Building, Manchester Campus
Office hours
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How I’ll teach you
I contribute to research informed teaching, in particular drawing upon my own research with businesses and social enterprises in the 3rd year unit Sociological Imagination.
Academic and professional qualifications
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Previous employment
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Other academic services (administration and management)
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua
Why study Social and environmental enterprise; social innovation and public services?
I’m particularly interested in supervising research co-produced with people more traditionally seen as research ‘subjects’, and in innovative approaches, for example using visual data.
Undergraduate courses
The Sociological Imagination: Issues and Debates in Contemporary Sociology, option ‘Entrepreneurship, enterprise and the social: Beyond the Dragon’s Den!’
Postgraduate supervision (completed/in progress)
Ph.D Completions (selected)
“The role of trust in the patient-healthcare expert remote communication: the case of Greek
healthcare private-practitioners” Vasileios Kalyvis (Director of studies), Ph.D awarded 2019.
“Operationalising Love Within Austerity: An analysis of the opportunities and challenges experienced by the voluntary and community sector in Greater Manchester under the Coalition government (2010-2015)”. Katy Goldstraw (co-supervised with Dr Jenny Fisher, Man Mat Dept of Social Work and Social Care, as DoS) Ph.D awarded 2016
“Understanding Social Enterprise in the UK: Theory and Practice” (Advisor) Michael Bull Manchester Met staff PhD by publication, awarded 2015.
“Disability and entrepreneurship: A route of opportunity?” Naheed Roni (Director of Studies), Ph.D awarded 2015.
“‘Bringing IT all back home’: Social inclusion through advanced technologies in the home” – Patricia Gray supervised with Ranald Richardson, Newcastle University. ESRC CASE studentship, Ph.D awarded
“Technology, Efficiency and Discourse: Unlocking Procurement Modernisation” – Gregory Maniatopoulos, EPSRC funded student co-supervised with James Cornford, Newcastle University, PhD awarded
“‘Singing for your supper’: musicians’ improvised working lives in a regional context”, Susan Coulson supervised with Prof. J. Wheelock. ESRC CASE studentship, Ph.D awarded 2007
External examiner roles
Phds examined (External)
Social Venture Business Models for Transforming Non-Profit Organizations: Typology-Driven Theorizing, Queensland University of Technology, 2018
The role of social enterprise in the renewable energy sector, University of Ulster, 2016
The effect of the social enterprise trend on non-profits in Greece in a shrinking Economy, University of Manchester, 2015
Sustainable Volunteering: Managing volunteers in cultural heritage attractions, University of Teesside, 2013
‘The role of
business incubators in developing entrepreneurshi’p (2015)
Research expertise
Sue has many years’ experience of multi-disciplinary research, evaluation and knowledge exchange. Currently her main interests are the social economy, social enterprise, and the application of digital technologies in public services. She has researched and published extensively on these themes, with funding from sponsors including UK research Councils, charities and the European Commission. She also has a substantial track record of research and publication on micro-enterprise, the home as a site of production, gender, and household livelihoods
Academic collaborations
Sue is the lead for Manchester Met. in a consortium of 24 partners including eleven universities across Europe on a H2020 innovation project Co-creation of Service Innovations in Europe (CoSIE). The Consortuim is co-ordinated by Turku University of Applied Sciences. She co-leads the largest workpackage with the University of Bologna. Before that, she was Deputy Coordinator a H2020 consortium co-ordinated from Manchester Met Innovative Social Investment: Strengthening communities in Europe (2015 to 2017).
Other collaborations include an ESRC Research Seminars Series (2015-18) entitled Information Sharing in Policy and Practice: What needs to be shared (and not shared) when we share information? This was led from Newcastle University with the universities of Bradford and Loughborough, along with non-academic partners.
Sue’s academic outputs are co-authored with colleagues in Manchester Met and other universities (UK and overseas) from various disciplines including sociology, psychology, geography, and computing.
Featured Works
C. O’Leary, S. Baines, G. Bailey, T. McNeil, J. Csoba, et al. (2018). Innovation and Social Investment Programs in Europe. European Policy Analysis. 4(2), pp.294-312.
R. Wilson, S. Baines, M. Martin, P. Richter, I. McLoughlin, et al. (2017). Who is Telecaring Whom? Exploring the total social organisation of care work in an Italian Municipality. New Technology, Work and Employment. 32(3), pp.268-282.
J. Cornford, S. Baines, R. Wilson (2013). Representing the Family: How Does the State ‘Think Family’?. Policy and Politics. 41(1),
R. Grimm, C. Fox, S. Baines, K. Albertson (2013). Social innovation, an answer to contemporary societal challenges? Locating the concept in theory and practice. Innovation. 26(4), pp.436-455.
Books (authored/edited/special issues)
S. Baines, A. Bassi, J. Csoba, F. Sipos (2019). Implementing innovative social investment: Strategic lessons from Europe. S. Baines, A. Bassi, J. Csoba, F. Sipos. Bristol: The Policy Press.
I. Hardill, S. Baines (2011). Enterprising care?: Unpaid voluntary action in the 21st century.
S. Baines, J. Wheelock, U. Gelder (2003). Riding the Rollercoaster: Family Life and Self-Employment. Bristol: The Policy Press.
Journal articles
R. Wilson, A. Fraser, J. Kimmitt, S. Tan, N. McHugh, et al. (2020). Theme: Futures in social investment? Learning from the emerging policy and practice of Social Impact Bonds (SIBs): Editorial: Whither Social Impact Bonds (SIBs): the future of social investment?. Public Money and Management. 40(3), pp.179-182.
R. Wilson, J. Cornford, S. Richardson, S. Baines, JR. Gil-Garcia, et al. (2019). Editorial: Information sharing-Easy to say horizontal ellipsis much harder to do than we want to believe!. Public Money and Management. 39(5), pp.317-319.
C. O’Leary, S. Baines, G. Bailey, T. McNeil, J. Csoba, et al. (2018). Innovation and Social Investment Programs in Europe. European Policy Analysis. 4(2), pp.294-312.
M. Bull, R. Ridley-Duff, G. Whittam, S. Baines (2018). Challenging tensions and contradictions: Critical, theoretical and empirical perspectives on social enterprise. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research. 24(3), pp.582-586.
R. Wilson, S. Baines, M. Martin, P. Richter, I. McLoughlin, et al. (2017). Who is Telecaring Whom? Exploring the total social organisation of care work in an Italian Municipality. New Technology, Work and Employment. 32(3), pp.268-282.
R. Lawthom, C. Kagan, M. Burton, S. Lo, L. Mok, et al. (2017). Partnership working as liberation psychology: Forced labor among UK Chinese migrant workers. Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community. 45(1), pp.7-18.
V. Antcliff, S. Baines, E. Gorb (2016). Developing your own graduate employees: Employer perspectives on the value of a degree apprenticeship. Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning. 6(4), pp.378-383.
R. Wilson, S. Baines, I. McLoughlin (2014). Introduction: Hiding in plain sight or disappearing in the rear view mirror?: Whatever happened to the revolution in information for health and social care – Learning from england and australia. Social Policy and Society. 13(4), pp.563-568.
P. Seanor, M. Bull, S. Baines, M. Purcell (2014). Where Social Enterprise Practitioners Draw The Line: Towards an Understanding of Movement from Social Entrepreneurship as Boundary Work. International Journal of Public Sector Management. 27(4), pp.353-368.
S. Baines, P. Hill, K. Garrety (2014). What happens when digital information systems are brought into health and social care? Comparing approaches to social policy in England and Australia. Social Policy and Society. 13(4), pp.569-578.
R. Lawthom, C. Kagan, S. Baines, S. Lo, S. Sham, et al. (2013). Experiences of forced labour amongst Chinese migrant workers: Exploring the context of vulnerability and protection. International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion. 5(3), pp.261-280.
R. Wilson, S. Baines, I. Hardill, M. Ferguson (2013). Editorial: Information for local governance. Data is the solution…what was the question again?. PUBLIC MONEY & MANAGEMENT. 33(3), pp.163-166.
J. Cornford, R. Wilson, S. Baines, R. Richardson (2013). Local governance in the new information ecology: the challenge of building interpretative communities. PUBLIC MONEY & MANAGEMENT. 33(3), pp.201-207.
P. Seanor, M. Bull, S. Baines, R. Ridley-Duff (2013). Narratives of transition from social to enterprise: You can’t get there from here!. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research. 19(3), pp.324-343.
J. Cornford, S. Baines, R. Wilson (2013). Representing the Family: How Does the State ‘Think Family’?. Policy and Politics. 41(1),
R. Grimm, C. Fox, S. Baines, K. Albertson (2013). Social innovation, an answer to contemporary societal challenges? Locating the concept in theory and practice. Innovation. 26(4), pp.436-455.
S. Walsh, R. Wilson, S. Baines, M. Martin (2012). ‘You’re Just Treating Us as Informants!’ Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships in the Production of Children’s Services Directories. Local Government Studies. 38(5), pp.661-680.
J. Fisher, S. Baines, M. Rayner (2012). Personalisation and the Co-operative Tradition. Social Policy and Society. 11(4), pp.507-518.
R. Wilson, J. Cornford, S. Baines, J. Mawson (2011). New development: Information for localism? policy sense-making for local governance. Public Money and Management. 31(4), pp.295-300.
S. Baines, I. Hardill, R. Wilson (2011). Introduction: Remixing the Economy of Welfare? Changing Roles and Relationships Between the State and the Voluntary and Community Sector. Social Policy and Society. 10(3), pp.337-339.
E. Hogg, S. Baines (2011). Changing Responsibilities and Roles of the Voluntary and Community Sector in the Welfare Mix: A Review. Social Policy and Society. 10(3), pp.341-352.
S. Baines, M. Bull, R. Woolrych (2010). A More Entrepreneurial Mindset? Engaging Third Sector Suppliers to the NHS. Social Enterprise Journal. 6(1), pp.49-58.
S. Baines, R. Wilson, S. Walsh (2010). Seeing The Full Picture? Technologically Enabled Multi-Agency Working in Health and Social Care. New Technology, Work and Employment. 25(1), pp.19-33.
M. Lie, S. Baines, J. Wheelock (2009). Citizenship, Volunteering and Active Ageing. Social Policy and Administration. 43(7), pp.702-718.
I. Hardill, S. Baines (2009). Active citizenship in later life: Older volunteers in a deprived community in England. Professional Geographer. 61(1), pp.36-45.
I. Hardill, S. Baines (2009). Personal reflections on Knowledge Transfer and changing UK research priorities 21st Century Society. Contemporary Social Science: Journal of the Academy of Social Sciences. 4(1), pp.83-96.
S. Baines, I. Hardill (2008). At Least I Can Do Something: The Work of Volunteering in a Community Beset By Worklessness. Social Policy and Society. 7(3), pp.307-317.
I. Hardill, S. Baines, V. Perri (2007). Volunteering for all? Explaining patterns of volunteering and identifying strategies to promote it. Policy and Politics. 35(3), pp.395-412.
R. Wilson, S. Baines, J. Cornford, M. Martin (2007). ‘Trying to do a jigsaw without the picture on the box’: understanding the challenges of care integration in the context of single assessment for older people in England. International Journal of Integrated Care. 7(2), pp.e25-e25.
M. Lie, S. Baines (2007). Making sense of organizational change: Voices of older volunteers. Voluntas. 18(3), pp.225-240.
P. Gannon-Leary, S. Baines, R. Wilson (2006). Collaboration and partnership: a review and reflections on a national project to join up local services in England. Journal of interprofessional care. 20(6), pp.665-674.
S. Baines, U. Gelder (2003). What is Family Friendly About The Workplace in The Home? The Case of Self-Employed Parents and Their Children. New Technology, Work and Employment. 18(3), pp.223-234.
E. Oughton, J. Wheelock, S. Baines (2003). Micro-Businesses and Social Inclusion in Rural Households: A Comparative Analysis. Sociologia Ruralis. 43(4), pp.331-348.
I. Hardill, S. Baines (2003). Doing One’s Duty? Voluntary Work and the ‘New Economy’. Local Economy. 18(2), pp.102-108.
S. Baines, J. Wheelock (2003). Creative Livelihoods: The Economic Survival of Visual Artists in the North of England. Northern Economic Review. 33/34, pp.118-133.
J. Wheelock, E. Oughton, S. Baines (2003). Getting By with a Little Help from Your Family: Toward a Policy-Relevant Model of the Household. Feminist Economics. 9(1), pp.19-45.
S. Baines (2002). New Technologies and Old Ways of Working in the Home of the Self-Employed Teleworker. New Technology, Work and Employment. 17(2), pp.89-101.
S. Baines, L. Robson (2001). Being Self-Employed or Being Enterprising? The Case of Creative Work for the Media Industries. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. 8(4), pp.349-362.
E. Chell, S. Baines (2000). Networking, Entrepreneurship and Microbusiness Behaviour. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. 12(3), pp.195-215.
S. Baines, J. Wheelock (2000). Work and Employment in Small Businesses: Perpetuating and Challenging Gender Traditions. Gender, Work and Organization. 7(1), pp.45-55.
S. Baines (1999). Servicing the Media: Freelancing, Teleworking and ‘Enterprising’ Careers. New Technology, Work and Employment. 14(1), pp.18-31.
J. Wheelock, S. Baines (1998). Dependency or self-reliance? The contradictory case of work in UK small business families. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 19(1), pp.53-73.
S. Baines, J. Wheelock (1998). Working for Each Other: Gender, The Household and Micro-Business Survival and Growth. International Small Business Journal. 17(1), pp.16-35.
S. Baines, J. Wheelock (1998). Reinventing Traditional Solutions: Job Creation, Gender and the Micro-Business Household. Work, Employment and Society. 12(4), pp.579-601.
C. Elizabeth, S. Baines (1998). Does gender affect business ‘performance’? a study of microbusinesses in business services in the uk. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. 10(2), pp.117-135.
J. Wheelock, S. Baines, A. Felstead, J. Kitching, J. Curran, et al. (1996). Abstracts and Commentaries. International Small Business Journal. 14(4), pp.90-106.
Chapters in books
A. Bassi, S. Baines, J. Csoba, F. Sipos (2019). Social Investment in theory and praxis: A ‘quiet revolution’ in innovative local services?. In: Implementing Innovative Social Investment: Strategic Lessons from Europe. pp.195-213.
S. Baines, J. Csoba, F. Sipos, A. Bassi (2019). Social Investment in welfare: A sub-national perspective. In: Implementing Innovative Social Investment: Strategic Lessons from Europe. pp.1-21.
J. Ozan, C. O’leary, S. Baines, G. Bailey (2019). Troubled families in greater Manchester. In: Implementing Innovative Social Investment: Strategic Lessons from Europe. Policy Press, pp.43-57.
CP. O’Leary, J. Ozan, S. Baines, G. Bailey Troubled families in Greater Manchester. In: Implementing innovative social investment. Policy Press,
S. Baines, J. Wheelock (2017). Working in the business family: Micro-business Livelihoods in the North East and the South East of England. In: A Region in Transition: North East England at the Millennium. pp.82-102.
CM. Kagan, R. Lawthom, S. Baines, S. Sham, S. Lo, et al. (2015). Vulnerability, Exploitation and Migrants. In: Vulnerability, Exploitation and Migrants. Insecure Work in a Globalised Economy. Palgrave Macmillan UK,
R. Wilson, S. Baines, M. Martin (2013). Innovation and information in public/third sector partnerships for older people’s services: Case studies from England and Italy. In: Handbook of Innovation in Public Services. pp.288-297.
S. Baines, J. Wheelock, EA. Oughton (2011). Working Life in Rural Micro-Enterprises: Old Forms of Organisation in the New Economy. A. Southern. In: Enterprise, Deprivation and Social Exclusion: The Role of Small Business in Addressing Social and Economic Inequalities. London: Routledge, pp.142-157.
E. Fairhurst, S. Baines (2009). Exploring positive images of ageing: The production of calendars. R. Edmondson, H-J. Kandtratowicz. In: Valuing Older People: A Humanist Approach to Ageing. Policy Press, pp.277-282.
R. Wilson, S. Baines (2008). Are There Limits to the Integration of Care for Older People?. BD. Loader, M. Hardey, L. Keeble. In: Digital Welfare for the Third Age: Health and Social Care Informatics for Older People. London: Routledge, pp.17-27.
S. Walsh, S. Baines, J. Cornford (2006). E-enabled active welfare: Creating the context for work-life balance. D. Perrons, L. McDowell, C. Fagan, K. Ray, K. Ward. In: Gender Divisions and Working Time in the New Economy: Changing Patterns of Work, Care and Public Policy in Europe and North America. Edward Elgar, pp.183-192.
J. Wheelock, S. Baines (2004). Balancing Work and Family Life in Disadvantaged Small Business Households. J. Targalski. In: Entrepreneurship, Employment and Beyond. Krakow: Krakow University of Economics Publishers, pp.157-172.
S. Baines, J. Wheelock, E. Oughton, E. Ljunggren, L. Pettersen, et al. (2003). Work and Employment in Rural, Non-Farming Micro-Businesses: A Return to Old Ways of Working?. K. Andersson, E. Eklund, L. Granberg, T. Marsden. In: Rural Development as Policy and Practice. Helsinki: Swedish School of Social Science, University of Helsinki, pp.91-114.
S. Baines, J. Wheelock, E. Oughton (2002). A Household Based Approach to the Small Business Family. D. Fletcher. In: Understanding the Small Family Business. London: Routledge, pp.168-179.
TA. McNeill, S. Baines, C. Branston Towards environmental and economic sustainability in the public house hospitality sector. 10/11/2016.
L. Martin, P. turner, JK. Carter, S. Baines, D. Taylor Partnered innovation in the design and implementation of UK management education – new Management Degree Apprenticeships. IESE Business School, University of Navarra, Spain, 10/10/2016.
S. Baines, C. fox, K. Albertson, C. O’Leary, G. Bailey Social Impact Bonds and two meanings of “Social Investment”. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and RAND Europe, 12/9/2016.
T. McNeill, S. Baines, CS. Branston Making Pub Retailing Greener. Newcastle University, 6/9/2016.
TA. McNeill, V. Antcliff, S. Baines, C. Schofield The Classic Thing About Business Growth is You Have To Think About It … Exploring the Mindset of High Growth. Portsmouth, 8/9/2015.
S. Baines, TA. McNeill, L. Martin Hybrid energy and enterprise: business models for sustaining rural community micro-generation. Portsmouth, 8/9/2015.
V. Antcliff, S. Baines, J. Carter Does Growth Equal Success?. Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Manchester, UK, 1/11/2014.
S. Baines, L. Mok Effective Connectivity with the Voluntary and Third Sectors. Radisson Blu Edwardian Hotel, Manchester, 9/10/2014.
T. McNeill, S. Baines, L. Martin Hybrid Energy and Enterprise Business Models for Sustaining Rural Community Micro-Generation. Belfast, UK, 10/9/2014.
S. Baines, TA. McNeill, LM. Martin (2013). Enterprise and Energy: Towards Business Models for Community Micro Generation. Cardiff, 11/11/2013.
T. McNeill, S. Baines, L. Martin Hybrid Energy and Enterprise: Business Models for Sustaining Rural Community Micro-Generation. MMU, Manchester, UK, 4/11/2013.
J. Fisher, S. Baines Innovating Care Services Through Co-Operative Enterprises. Manchester, 4/11/2013.
S. Baines, G. Lee-Treweek, T. McNeil, V. Antcliff, R. Lawthom University Research in Partnerships with Civil Society: Reflections Upon Research Impact, Collaboration and Ethics. Newcastle University, 15/7/2013.
J. Cornford, R. Wilson, S. Baines (2013). Partnership as Conversation: Why Partnerships are Condemned to Talk and What They Need To Talk About. In: Newcastle, 15/7/2013.
J. Cornford, S. Baines, R. Wilson Assembling “Troubled Families” in the UK: A Sociotechnical Construction for Public Data Management. University of Urbino, Italy, 17/4/2013.
R. Wilson, S. Baines, I. McLoughlin Who is Tele-Caring Whom? Changes in Patterns of Care Work as a Result of Tele-Care Systems. Department of Management, Monash University, Melbourne, 21/2/2013.
MF. Bull, S. Baines, M. Jarvis, V. Antcliff, L. Martin (2012). Demonstrating Value in Chaos: The Elephant in the Room. Social Impact Analysts Association, Birmingham, UK, 12/9/2012.
S. Baines, M. Bull, M. Jarvis, V. Antcliff, L. Martin (2012). Evidencing ‘Added Value’ of Micro-Providers in Health and Social Care. Wageningen University, The Netherlands, 2/7/2012.
S. Baines (2012). Linking Volunteering and Social Mobility: New Departure or False Start. ESRC/Northumbria University/Institute for Volunteering Research Policy Seminar, What Role Does Volunteering Play in Improving Employability and Social Mobility?, Newcastle, 24/4/2012.
P. Seanor, M. Bull, S. Baines (2011). Context, Narratives, Drawings and Boundary Objects: Where Social Enterprises Draw The Line. University of Sheffield, 9/11/2011.
M. Bull, S. Baines (2011). NHS Supply Chain Event Balance. Manchester, UK, 1/10/2011.
MF. Bull, L. Martin, S. Baines, V. Antcliff, M. Jarvis (2011). Evidencing Added Value? of Micro-Providers in the Personalisation of Health and Social Care. London South Bank University, 1/1/2011.
S. Baines, R. Wilson, M. Martin, P. Richter Who Works and Who Cares? The Total Social Organisation of Labour in a ‘Telecare’ Intervention to Promote Older Peoples’ Independence at Home. Chicago, 1/1/2011.
R. Wilson, S. Baines, M. Martin Innovations in Partnership and Collaboration in Public Service Delivery: Current Challenges and Future Directions in Health and Social Care. Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, 1/1/2011.
S. Baines Evidence on the Childcare Barrier to Entrepreneurship, Riding the Roller Coaster: Family Life and Self-Employment. London, UK, 5/11/2010.
M. Bull, S. Baines Personalisation and Micro-Providers. MMU, Manchester, UK, 1/11/2010.
S. Baines, M. Bull Engaging Third Sector Suppliers to the NHS. Turning Point, Manchester, 2/7/2010.
S. Baines Personalisation of Social Care and Health. Co-operatives UK Annual Conference, Plymouth, 26/6/2010.
J. Fisher, S. Baines, M. Rayner, M. Bull (2010). Personalisation and the Co-operative Tradition. Copenhagen: Danish National Centre for Social Research, 21/6/2010.
R. Wilson, S. Baines, M. Martin, G. Jacucci, G. Maniatopolous, et al. Who is Telecaring Whom? The Total Social Organisation of Labour in the Context of an EU Telecare Project. Copenhagen: Danish National Centre for Social Research, 21/6/2010.
J. Fisher, S. Baines, M. Bull, M. Rayner The Co-Operative Tradition and Personalisation of Health and Social Care. Denmark, 1/6/2010.
MF. Bull, S. Baines, J. Fisher, V. Antcliff, A. Ashton (2010). Evidencing Added Value of Micro-Providers in the Personalisation of Health and Social Care. Oxford, 1/1/2010.
S. Baines, MF. Bull, J. Fisher, M. Rayner The Co-operative Tradition and the Personalisation of Social Care and Health. Grand Connaught Rooms, London, 1/1/2010.
CM. Kagan, R. Lawthom, S. Baines, S. Sham, L. Mok, et al. Forced Labour: Life Decisions and Turning Points. Puebla, Mexico, 1/1/2010.
S. Baines Third Sector Engagement in the Health Sector Supply Chain. 4th Meeting of the ESRC NW KT HEI Network at Liverpool Hope University, 7/12/2009.
S. Baines, I. Hardill Working for the Common Good? Volunteering, Work and Care in the 21st Century. Utrecht, 16/4/2009.
J. Wheelock, M. Lie, S. Baines (2009). Citizenship, Volunteering and Active Ageing. In: Barcelona, 1/1/2009.
M. Bull, S. Baines, R. Woolrych Commissioning, Contracts and Connectivity Is It Really Happening? Looking at the Engagement Between NHS and Third Sector in Manchester. Oxford, 1/1/2009.
S. Baines Co-Production and the Modernisation of Public Service: What Has This To Do With the VCS?. Public Policy Seminar Co-Planning and Co-Production of Public Services With The Third Sector for ESRC/Scottish Council for Voluntary Agencies, Edinburgh, 5/12/2008.
E. Fairhurst, S. Baines, J. Sixsmith, R. Woolrych, N. Whittle (2008). ‘WORKLESSNESS’ AND THE OVER 50S: A PUBLIC SECTOR PARTNERSHIP RESPONSE IN THE GREATER MANCHESTER SUB-REGION OF THE UK. In: GERONTOLOGIST. National Harbor, Maryland, USA, pp.595-595.
S. Baines, R. Wilson, I. Hardill, M. Martin They Just Don’t Understand Us!: Learning and Reflection from Commissioning Relationships in the Mixed Economy of Care. University of Warwick, Coventry, 9/9/2008.
S. Baines, R. Wilson, I. Hardill How Can Voluntary Organizations Help to Transform Care? Articulating Social Value. Copenhagen, 26/6/2008.
S. Baines Looking at Enterprise Through the Lens of the Family. The Social Situatedness of Enterprise and Entrepreneurship, Liverpool University, 7/6/2008.
E. Fairhurst, S. Baines Health and Well-Being of Older Individuals: A Case Study of a Positive Image of Ageing Campaign and the Production of a Calendar. University of Lleida, Spain, 1/1/2008.
C. Ponsard, M. Martin, S. Walsh, S. Baines, S. Rousseaux, et al. (2008). OLDES: Designing a Low-Cost, Easy-to-Use e-Care System Together With The Stakeholders. Linz, Austria, 1/1/2008.
J. Wheelock, M. Lie, S. Baines Older Volunteers: Capacities and Constraints. University of Warwick, 1/1/2006.
S. Baines, P. Gannon-Leary, R. Wilson Practitioner Buy-In and Resistance to e-Enabled Information Sharing Across Agencies: The Case of an e-Government Project to Join Up Local Services in England. Poznan, Poland, 26/10/2005.
I. McLoughlin, S. Baines, R. Wilson, M. Martin, R. Vaughan Unlocking Transformational Change in the Local State? Developing a Generic Framework for Advanced Multi-Agency Working in the UK. Canberra, 1/1/2005.
S. Baines, P. Gannon-Leary, R. Wilson (2005). Practitioner Buy-in and Resistance to E-Enabled Information Sharing Across Agencies. In: I3E. 1/1/2005. pp.297-311.
R. Wilson, S. Baines, M. Martin, R. Vaughan (2004). A Case Study of Governance in Public Sector “Virtual Organizations”: The Emergence of Children’s Trusts. In: Virtual Enterprises and Collaborative Networks. 1/1/2004. pp.541-550.
RG. Wilson, JR. Cornford, S. Baines Reflections on a Learning Evaluation: Lessons from the FAME Project. Cardiff, UK – The UK Evaluation Society, 1/1/2003.
C. Fox, H. Jalonen, S. Baines, A. Bassi, C. Marsh, et al. (2019). Co-creation of Public Service Innovation – Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Tech. Turku, Finland: Turku University of Applied Sciences,
CC. Fox, S. Baines Innovative Social Investment: Strengthening communities in Europe: Policy Brief.
S. Baines, J. Shorely (2017). Enhancing Innovation: Competencies: A Guide to University Company Cooperation. Fincoda, European Commission.
S. Baines (2017). Priorities and concers of family businesses. Carpenter Rees, Carpenter Rees.
L. Martin, V. Antcliff, S. Baines, J. Carter (2015). “Wherever you are for whatever you want”: Online payday loans from the perspective of recent graduates. New Economic Models in the Digital Economy (NEMODE)
V. Antcliff, S. Baines, J. Carter (2014). Exploring the Potential of the North West’s Small Firms to Drive Forward Economic Recovery. , Private Sector Partners (PSP).
S. Baines, L. Martin, G. Lee Treweck (2012). The Impact of Schools Stand Up To Racism – Analysis and Articulation. JISC, JISC.
J. Fisher, S. Baines, M. Rayner (2011). Personalisation of Social Care and Health – A Co-Operative Solution.
C. Kagan, S. Lo, L. Mok, R. Lawthom, S. Sham, et al. (2011). Experiences of Forced Labour Among Chinese Migrant Workers. Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, York.
S. Walsh, M. Martin, S. Baines, R. Wilson (2007). Children’s Service Directory Project: Final Report for North East Centre of Excellence.
S. Baines (2006). Volunteering, Self-Help and Citizenship in Later Life. United Kingdom: Big Lottery in partnership with Age Concern Newcastle, Big Lottery in partnership with Age Concern Newcastle.
S. Baines (2006). Framework for Multi-Agency Environments (FAME) Phase 3: A Practical Framework for Working in Multi-Agency Environments: Learning & Evaluation.
J. Cornford, R. Wilson, S. Baines (2006). E-portfolio Governance Toolkit. , Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC).
S. Baines (2005). Payments and Fees for Visual Artists. Manchester, United Kingdom: Arts Council England, Arts Council England.
R. Vaughan, M. Martin, RG. Wilson, PM. Gannon-Leary, S. Baines, et al. (2005). FAME Generic Framework Guidance and Readiness Assessment Toolkit. , ODPM Framework for Multi-Agency Environments National Project, Local E-Government Programme.
S. Baines, P. Gannon-Leary, S. Walsh (2004). Framework for Multi-Agency Environments (FAME): Final Report of the Learning & Evaluation.
P. Seanor, M. Bull, S. Baines (2013). Re-Constructing Social Enterprise. Where Do Social Entrepreneurs Draw the Line?.
Invited papers
How research at Manchester Metropolitan University supports SMEs and social enterprises: creating a REF Impact case study’, PraxisAURIL Conference, Telford 18th May 2018
‘Innovative teaching and blended learning:highlights from Manchester Metropolitan University, Sustainability in cities: A necessary challenge. Learning with Blended Learning, Universitat Politècnica de València – Campus d’Alcoi 21st – 22nd Sept, 2015
‘Growth Equals Success?’, Small Business Policy Forum hosted by the APPG for Small Business, House of Commons, London, 24th Feb, 2016.
Baines, S and Mok, L. (2014) Effective Connectivity with the Voluntary and Third Sectors, Association of University Research and Industry Links (AURIL) conference, Manchester.
‘Linking volunteering and social mobility: New departure or false start’ ESRC / Northumbria University/ Institute for Volunteering Research Policy Seminar, What role does volunteering play in improving employability and social mobility? Newcastle, 24th April, 2012.
‘Personalisation of social care and health’, Co-operatives UK annual conference, Plymouth, 26th – 27th June 2010.
‘Riding the Roller Coaster: Family life and Self-employment’ contribution to seminar Evidence on the Childcare Barrier to Entrepreneurship, BIS, London, 5th November, 2010.
‘Engaging Third Sector Suppliers to the NHS’, with Mike Bull, to the board of Turning Point, Manchester, 2nd July 2010.
‘Third sector engagement in the health sector supply chain’, presentation to the 4th meeting of the ESRC NW KT HEI Network, at Liverpool Hope University, 7th December 2009.
‘Co-production and the modernisation of public service: What has this to do with the VCS?’ to the Public Policy Seminar Co-planning and Co-production of public services with the Third Sector, for ESRC / Scottish Council for Voluntary Agencies, Edinburgh 5th December, 2008.
‘Looking at enterprise through the lens of the family’, invited presentation to ‘The Social Situatedness of Enterprise and Entrepreneurship’ Liverpool University, 7th June, 2008.
Social Innovation, civil society, social enterprise and public services
Co-creation of Service Innovations in Europe (CoSIE) H2020 (December 2017 to May 2021) Project led by Turku University of Applied Sciences at with 11 university partners and 13 non-academic partners
Social Innovation, civil society, social enterprise and public services Innovative Social Investment: Strengthening communities in Europe (InnoSI) European Commission H2020 (2015 – 2017)
Information Sharing in Policy and Practice: What needs to be shared (and not shared) when we share information? ESRC Research Seminars Series (2015 – 2017)
ENGAGE: Stimulating Third Sector Organisations in the Health Sector Supply Chain, ESRC Business Engagement Opportunities (2009-2011).
Re-mixing the economy of welfare: what is emerging beyond the market and the state, ESRC Seminar Series (2009-2010)
Doing ones duty: a case study of volunteering in a deprived community, ESRC (2005 – 2006)
Explorations of forced labour amongst Chinese migrant workers Joseph Rowntree Foundation in partnership the Wai Yin Society (2010 – 2011)
Framework for Multi-agency Environments (FAME) Learning & Evaluation Department of Communities and Local Government (2003 – 2006)
Sustainable enterprise
Rural Hybrid Energy Enterprise Systems (RHEES) EPSRC (2012 – 2016)
Making pub retailing greener: A university & private sector partnership to build and share research ESRC
Small business and entrepreneurship
SME Realities in a Changing Europe – the economic implications of Brexit, Workshop series funded under UK in a Changing Europe, ESRC (2016 – 2017)
Exploring the potential of the Northwest’s small firms to drive forward economic recovery Private Sector Partners (2013 – 2015)
A Creative Business? Towards understanding the livelihoods of visual artists ESRC (2000- 2001)
Enterprising livelihoods in rural households: new and old ways of working, ESRC (1999 – 2001)
Balancing work and family lives in self-employment, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, (2002-3)
Knowledge Exchange and Impact
Essence: European Sustainable Solutions for Existing and New City Environments Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership 2014 – 2017
FINCODA: Framework for Innovation Competencies Development and Assessment Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliance (2015 – 201)
SAUNAC Sustainability Alliance of Urban Networks in Asian Cities Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliance (2016 – 2019)
Engaging Scottish Local Authorities: Process and Impact Review ESRC / Scottish Funding Council (2010 – 2011)
Schools Stand up to Racism – articuating impact, JISC (2012)
Dancing with New partners: Research methods to establish and monitor impacts of user engagement in times of austerity (2011 – 2012)
Projects and initiatives
Sponsored Research
Baines S (principal) and Young K (co-principal) “Priorities and Concerns for Family Businesses”, sponsored by Carpenter Rees, 2016, £10,000, (£5k funded through SEIF)
S Baines (co-principal) and T McNeill (principal) “Branding and High Growth”, sponsored by Clock Creative 2016 – 2017 £12,500 (5k funded through SEIF)
McNeill, T. (principal), Baines, S. (supporting), Antcliff, V. (supporting), Carter, J. (supporting), Understanding the High Growth Mindset,” Sponsored by Growth Accelerator Observatory, £37,612.00. (July 2013 – September 2014).
Antcliff, V. (co-Principal), Baines, S. (principal), Shorley, J. (supporting), Carter, J. (supporting), “Exploring
the impact of the Northwest’s small firms to drive forward the UK’s economic recovery,” Sponsored by Private Sector Partners North West (NW) Ltd, £10,000.00. (July 2013 – January 2014).
Baines, S. (co-principal), Martin, L. (principal), Lee Treweck, G. (co-principal), “The Impact of Schools Stand up to Racism – Analysis and Articulation,” Sponsored by Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC). (July 2012 – December 2012). £15,000
Consultancy and advisory roles
Advisory board, Health Care Utilization among Immigrants in Norway”, Norwegian Research Council (2014 –2016 )
Social Enterprise Education: A United Kingdom – Vietnam Partnership,
British Council, International School, Thai Nguyen University, Thai Nguyen City, Vietnam (2013)
Prizes and awards
Manchester Beacons Public Engagement award in 2011 for collaboration with the social
enterprise Wai Yin Chinese Women Society
Membership of professional associations
Board member of the Institute of Small Business & Entrepreneurship (ISBE) 2013 to 2016