PERU are evaluating the Cornwall Frequent Attenders Social Impact Bond being delivered by With You (formally Addaction).
What is the need?
A significant proportion of attendances at Accident and Emergency Departments in hospitals are alcohol related and many of these result in hospital admissions. With You (formally Addaction) is delivering an intervention Cornwall to support these frequent A&E attenders. Working closely with NHS partners and Cornwall County Council, With You will identify individuals with complex needs and an underlying substance misuse issue and break the cycle of multiple hospital admissions by working intensively with people in the community. They will support up to 810 qualifying individuals over a 5 year delivery period. This work is being funded through a Social Impact Bond. Outcomes will be underwritten, in part by the Life Chances Fund and in part by the local authority. It is important that we build a stronger evidence base about how SIBs work.
What are we doing?
The Policy Evaluation and Research Unit is leading an evaluation that will consider the theory of change that underpins both the SIB and the interventions it funds, the implementation of the SIB and the interventions funded and outcomes that they deliver. This is a multi-method evaluation involving analysis of management data, interviews with key stakeholders and a programme of Community Reporting that will be delivered by our partner, People’s Voice Media.
What are the outcomes?
We will produce a series of interim reports and monitoring reports during the lifetime of the SIB with a final report two years after the SIB is completed to allow time to capture longer-term outcomes
Who are we working with?
The evaluation is funded by With You (formally Addaction), who are delivering the interventions. The investor in the SIB is Big Issue Invest and the SIB is underwritten by the Life Chances Fund and Cornwall County Council. PERU is working in partnership with Peoples’ Voice Media and Dr. Alec Fraser at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Project Timescale
The evaluation started in January 2019 and will run for 7 years, although most of the intensive evaluation work will take place in years 1, 3, 5 and 7.
PERU Projects
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