We are evaluating a three-year social investment pilot that aims deliver over 200 move-on homes for people sleeping rough and those at risk of homelessness. The pilot is the result of a partnership between Big Society Capital, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing, Communities, Bridges Fund Management, Resonance and Social and Sustainable Capital (SASC).
What are we doing?
The aim of this evaluation is to understand the role of social investment in supporting people who have experienced, or are at risk of experiencing, rough sleeping and homelessness. We are starting with a four month Feasibility Study followed by a three-year evaluation to assess the effectiveness of this pilot. During the Feasibility Study we are assessing different impact evaluation designs and assessing the size of the social investment market for rough sleeping or homelessness accommodation. Some elements of the main study are dependent on the outcome of the Feasibility Study, but key elements will include a process evaluation, an impact evaluation and an economic evaluation. During the evaluation we will train and support some of the people who access the accommodation to tell their stories and these stories will form an important strand of the impact evaluation.
What will be the outcomes?
Interim findings from the evaluation will be fed into the pilot programme and inform its ongoing development. We will also disseminate key findings to the wider sector.
What are the timescales?
The pilot started in 2021. The evaluation started in March 2022 and will run for approximately 3 years.
Who are we working with?
We are leading this evaluation and working in partnership with the Centre for Homelessness Impact, the UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence, the Institute of Social Policy, Housing and Equalities Research (I-SPHERE), People’s Voice Media and the Sol Price Center for Social Innovation at the University of Southern California.
Who are we working with?
Big Society Capital
PERU Projects
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