The study was to evaluate three of the London Mayor’s reducing re-offending programmes.
What is the need?
The study was to evaluate three of the London Mayor’s reducing re-offending programmes ( ‘Specification 2’ targets male offenders between 15-19 years of age who are in custody or serving community sentences. ‘Specification 3’ targets female offenders between 15-19 years of age who are in custody or serving community orders. ‘Specification 4’ targets 18-19 year old male and female offenders who are under the supervision of the probation service) which were funded by a payment by results (PbR) model.
What are we doing?
The study includes a process evaluation, an impact evaluation (including reconviction analysis and ETE Outcomes), an economic evaluation and an evaluation of the effectiveness and advantages/disadvantages of the payment by results model.
PERU undertook face-to-face and telephone interviews with a range of young offenders, resettlement brokers, delivery partners and strategic partners. PERU also led on the analysis of the payment by results model.
What were the outcomes?
A report was produced for the London Criminal Justice Partnership (LCJP).
What are the timescales?
The evaluation took place between 2011 and 2012
Project links