What is the need?
Grandmentors is a London-based project that delivers inter-generational mentoring involving a mentor who will typically be aged 50 years or over and a mentee who will typically be aged 14 – 18. Young people are normally facing a challenging period of their lives and Grandmentors assist the young person in various aspects of their life including from career planning, getting back into mainstream education and supporting young care leavers to adapt to independent living. PERU is undertaking an evaluation of the project.
What are we doing?
Our evaluation examines the implementation of the project and includes in-depth interviews with Grandmentors, young people being mentored, project staff and referral agencies.
What will be the outcomes?
Two interim reports have already been delivered to CSV and the project funders. These reports have been used to inform decisions about the ongoing development of the project and its longer-term future.
What are the timescales?
The evaluation started in 2010 and will be completed in 2013.

Who are we working with?
The project is run by CSV. The Grandmentors project was initially funded for three years by the JECDA Trust and Heathside Charitable Trust.
PERU Projects
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