Universal Credit, Good Work and Progression
This project leverages features associated with the geomasking algorithm to estimate the effect of public crime statistics on house prices.
16 October 2024
Universal Credit, Good Work and Progression
This project leverages features associated with the geomasking algorithm to estimate the effect of public crime statistics on house prices.
16 October 2024
Supporting Girls in Care To Desist From Offending Behaviour
This project leverages features associated with the geomasking algorithm to estimate the effect of public crime statistics on house prices.
7 July 2024
The Exploitation of Girls in Care: An Ongoing Struggle for Recognition
This project leverages features associated with the geomasking algorithm to estimate the effect of public crime statistics on house prices.
7 July 2024
GUIDEPREP: The preparation phase for the Growing Up In Digital Europe survey
Growing Up in Digital Europe (GUIDE) will be Europe’s first comparative birth cohort study of children’s and young people’s wellbeing.
20 February 2024
Exploring the intersections between ethnicity, care experience and youth justice involvement in England
The primary focus of this ADR UK (Administrative Data Research UK) Research Fellowship is to understand the links between care experience (i.e. having been in foster care, children’s homes and/or kinship care), ethnicity and involvement with the youth justice system in England.
20 October 2023
Care Experience, Ethnicity and Youth Justice Involvement: Key Trends and Policy Implications
This briefing is based on descriptive findings from an ADR UK (Administrative Data Research UK) Research Fellowship project
23 September 2023
‘We Need to Tackle Their Well Being First’: Understanding and Supporting Care-Experienced Girls in the Youth Justice System
This article presents novel findings from interviews with 17 girls and young women and eight Youth Offending Team (YOT) staff, highlighting how being in care can affect offending behaviour and how YOTs may provide support to care-experienced girls who have been inadequately supported elsewhere.
13 August 2023
Confronting intergenerational harm: Care experience, motherhood and criminal justice involvement
This paper explores how criminalisation, care experience and motherhood may intersect to produce multi-faceted structural disadvantage within both systems of care and punishment.
10 July 2023
Social Media, Youth and Consumption of Cultural Spaces (LOCUS)
LOCUS explores young people’s interactions with cultural spaces through the lens of social media consumption. This project investigates to what extent young people’s social media consumption transforms cultural spaces to “performative spaces” and how young people’s engagement with such spaces enacts their digital identities.
23 June 2023
A Difficult Balance: Challenges and Possibilities for Local Protocols to Reduce Unnecessary Criminalisation of Children in Care and Care Leavers
This article explores the challenges and possibilities of using local agreements to divert children in care and care leavers away from formal justice systems contact.
20 March 2023
COORDINATE: Cohort Community Research and Development Infrastructure Network for Access Throughout Europe
The European Cohort Development Project (ECDP) is a Design Study which will create the specification and business case for a European Research Infrastructure that will provide, over the next 25 years, comparative longitudinal survey data on child and young adult well-being.
25 May 2021
The Role of Needs Assessment in the Effective Engagement of People with Convictions
This paper argues for “the potential for needs assessment and sentence planning to transcend their core justice functions and set the tone for effective engagement between probation supervisee and supervisor.”
17 November 2020
Doing gig work: Social implications of platform-based food deliveries
This research aims to study the platform-based gig economy and its reconfiguration of urban spaces by investigating the management, solidarity and resistance of cycle couriers in three European cities: Manchester, Lyon (France) and Cluj-Napoca (Romania).
3 June 2020
Securing High-quality Data on Populations
Why we need EuroCohort, GGP and SHARE in Europe
8 October 2019
Measuring Youth Well-being: How a Pan-European Longitudinal Survey can improve Policy
This volume presents key findings from the EU funded Measuring Youth Well-being (MYWeB) project which assessed the feasibility of a European Longitudinal Study for Children and Young People (ELSCYP).
17 May 2018
The Study of Early Education and Development (SEED) in England
This is a multi-cohort, multi-wave study of pre-school children and their parents in England. The study is in part designed to test whether making funded early childhood education and care (ECEC) available to low and moderate income families raises their use of preschool care.
18 April 2018
European Cohort Development Project (ECDP)
The European Cohort Development Project (ECDP) is a Design Study which will create the specification and business case for a European Research Infrastructure that will provide, over the next 25 years, comparative longitudinal survey data on child and young adult well-being.
10 November 2017
Understanding Youth Participation Across Europe
From Survey to Ethnography - presents findings from a major cross-European research project mapping the civic and political engagement of young Europeans in the context of both shared and diverse political heritages.
13 October 2017
Socrates & Aristotle: The Role of Ancient Philosophers in the Self-Understanding of Desisting Prisoners
The Role of Ancient Philosophers in the Self-Understanding of Desisting Prisoners
3 August 2017
Study of Early Education and Development (SEED)
Impact Study on Early Education Use and Child Outcomes up to Age Three
13 July 2017
Pay Progression: Understanding the Barriers for the Lowest Paid
This report, produced in a collaboration between the CIPD and John Lewis Partnership, aims to uncover the experiences of employees on the lowest rates of pay and understand the contributing factors for an individual becoming ‘stuck’ on low pay.
19 October 2014