Time to reset the clock on the design of impact evaluations in criminology
This paper highlights how qualitative research can enhance causal explanation in impact evaluations and provide additional causal leverage to findings from randomised experiments.
23 July 2020
Implementing Innovative Social Investment: Strategic Lessons from Europe
This edited collection brings regional and local realities to the forefront of social investment debates by showcasing successes, challenges and setbacks of Social Investment policies and services from ten European countries.
15 July 2020
Going virtual: The Manchester Crime and Justice Mini-Film Festival
Venue: On-line Tue 14 July 2020
10 July 2020
What Makes for Effective Youth Mentoring Programmes: A Rapid Evidence Summary
A rapid evidence summary
8 July 2020
Commissioning and social determinants: evidence and opportunities
This chapter argues that local authorities can and should use their purchasing power strategically to address the social determinants of health that affect their local area.
8 July 2020
Reforming the State After Covid: PERU’s Chris O’Leary speaking at Adam Smith Institute webinar
Chris O'Leary joins The Rt Hon David Davis MP, Douglas Carswell who is a former MP and the co-director of the Good Governance Project and Matthew Lesh who is the Head of Research at the Adam Smith Institute for a panel discussing reforming the State after Covid.
7 July 2020
The progress of marketisation: the prison and probation experience
Rapid Evidence Assessment finds a growing body of evidence that lower probation caseloads have a positive impact in terms of reducing reoffending in the USA.
3 July 2020