
Rachel Worsley, Anna Beckett, Charlotte Baker, Kevin Wong, Samuel Larner, Gavin Bailey, Sonny Osman, Anton Roberts and Linda Meadows


This report presents the findings from a study undertaken by Ipsos and the Policy Evaluation and Research Unit, Manchester Metropolitan University and commissioned by the Youth Justice Board, England and Wales.

The study was exploratory and the primary research objectives were to: Understand commonalities and differences in PSR reports associated with custodial or community outcomes for Black children compared with White children; and Develop learning around the processes and decision-making involved in producing and utilising PSRs in these cases, including the perceived purpose of PSRs.

This work builds on previous research which showed that Black children were more likely to receive harsher sentencing outcome after controlling for other factors.

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Full reference

Worsley, R., Beckett, A., Baker, C., Wong, K., Larner, S., Bailey, G., Osman, S., Roberts, A., Meadows, L. (2024) Exploring the production and utilisation of pre-sentence reports in the youth justice system. London. Youth Justice Board

Linked Project

Exploring the production and utilisation of pre-sentence reports in the youth justice system.