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Studies reviewedAverage impactCertainty of impactCostSystem
Academic and vocational educational programmes for prisoners
57Positive EffectHIGHNot Evaluated4/5
Brief interventions for alcohol misuse in the Criminal Justice System
10No EffectMODERATENot Evaluated4/5
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
58Positive EffectHIGH£££4/5
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to reduce domestic violence
6No EffectMODERATENot Evaluated4/5
Custodial sentences
5No EffectMODERATENot Evaluated4/5
Domestic violence perpetrator programmes
12Positive EffectMODERATENot Evaluated5/5
Drug substitution programmes
15Positive EffectMODERATENot Evaluated4/5
Drug treatment programmes
15Positive EffectHIGHNot Evaluated4/5
Good Lives Model
Effectiveness not measuredLOWNot EvaluatedNo evidence/5
Probation supervision
13Positive EffectHIGHNot Evaluated4/5
Probation supervision (remote supervision using digital technologies)
Effectiveness not measuredLOWNot Evaluated2/5
Restorative justice conferencing
10Positive EffectHIGH££4/5
Scared Straight programmes
7Negative EffectHIGH£2/5
Sexual offender treatment programmes
27Positive EffectMODERATENot Evaluated4/5
Temporary release schemes (Release on Temporary Licence)
17Positive EffectMODERATENot Evaluated4/5
Unpaid work
21Effectiveness not measuredMODERATE£££4/5

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