Community Justice and a Model of Rehabilitation
Published | 19/03/2008 |
Type | Article |
Author(s) | Maurice Vanstone |
Corresponding Authors | Maurice Vanstone, Reader in Criminal Justice and Criminology, Swansea University; and Philip Priestley |
DOA | |
In the past twenty-five years or so, the pluralist tradition in the criminal justice system has been undermined by a political obsession with punishment, and one of the consequences of this has been the marginalisation of probation values and practice and a misguided reshaping of the probation model. Recent policy developments have, we argue, been based on lack of understanding of both the traditions and potential of probation. Against the background of the different forms probation models have taken we put forward a model for the future which we believe restores it as an important part of a plural response to crime, decouples it from punishment, and fits with the values that Brian Williams so consistently espoused.