How to write your Covid-19 blog
Published | 18/05/2020 |
Author(s) | Kevin Wong, Jean Hine |
If you want to write about your experiences. Here is our how to guide.
Your blog doesn’t have to be long, between 600 to 800 words. This guidance is around 230 words.
You may want to structure it in the following way:
If you are a practitioner:
Describe briefly what kind of service and/or organisation you work for.
Tell us about the problem and challenge. We suggest you focus on one thing.
Tell us how you solved it.
If you are a service user:
Tell us about your situation.
Tell us the problems you are facing.
Tell us how you are managing to cope, what’s helping and what’s not helping
Advice and guidance
Once you have sent us your blog one of our article editors will review it for you and will provide you with advice, to help you shape your piece so that you can get your message across in the best way.
Ones we made earlier
To have a look at blogs that we’ve published previously click here.
How to submit your blog
If you would like to submit a blog or discuss an idea (for a blog) contact us at
We look forward to receiving your submissions. In the meantime stay safe and well.
On behalf of the editorial board
Kevin Wong and Jean Hine (Co-editors)